
Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome commonly known as PCOS is the most common endocrinological abnormality encountered in women of reproductive age and is quite often associated with obesity. These women having higher incidence of having metabolic problems earlier in life such as diabetes, hypertension & lipid profile abnormalities. Infertility is often associated with PCOS due to delayed ovulation or non ovulation which is reflected by irregular and delayed menstrual cycles. A common presesentation of this syndrome starting ealy in life, right from adoloscence, is the psycological impact on body image due to excessive hair growth on face and body, acne and blackish discoloration of some areas of body which need very considerate medical, cosmetic as well as psycological management.
  • Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism is a condition present usually from birth in both females and males causing failure to start menses in women or failure in sperm production in men. These patients can restore fertility completely by the help of gonadotropin injections.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a metabolic defect by birth and often leads to delayed onset of periods and excessive hair growth on body. Can be associated with electrolyte imbalance also. It is an effectively treatable endocrine disorder provided the diagnosis is made correctly
  • True hyperprolactinemia often presents with delayed mestrual cycles leading and warrants treatment if presents with ovulatory dysfunction and thus inferility. May be associated with milk production from breasts also known as galactorrhea and higher level of prolactin hormone in blood could be associated with pituitary tumours.
  • Thyroid hormone disturbance if severe may also lead to menstrual and ovulatory abnormalities. Both high and low levels of thyroid may impair fertility but high levels may lead to more severe consequences especially during pregnancy.





Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Rajendra Nagar
New Delhi, India-110060.

Email: ivfsgrh@gmail.com

Genesis Clinic

F-431, New Rajendra Nagar,
Landmark: Shankar Road Main Market, New Delhi -110060

For Appointment Only
011-45011438 (9 AM – 4 PM)
+91-9810821594 +91-9958076534 (4 PM – 9 PM)
Email: abhamajumdar@hotmail.com

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