
Awards Received as Clinician

This is to proudly announce that the IVF center at SGRH swept 4 awards at the National Fertility awards by Economic Times on 4th of October. First, the IVF center was awarded as the second best integrated IVF team in India. Second, Dr. Gaurav Majumdar was awarded the coveted prize of the Best Embryologist in the country. Third, Dr. Abha Majumdar was awarded the ICON of IVF in North India; and then the most coveted one for her as the best IVF clinician in India, 2019.

Awards received as clinician

  • Awarded with ‘Excellence and leadership in healthcare award’ at the Golden aim award function (11th edition) by Dynergic business solutions at Opulent Hotel New Delhi on the 30th of April 2023.
  • Awarded with ‘Excellence Service Award,’ at the international conference for award winners in engineering, science and medicine held at INSO award function in Pondicherry on 15th & 16th April 2023.
  • Awarded as national ICON of the year IVF by economic times 3rd time in a row in the national fertility and health award function held in Mumbai on 21st February 2023.
  • Conferred the status of Emeritus consultant at SGRH on the merit of work done in the hospital 17th November 2022.
  • Awarded ‘Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Bharat gold medal award’, by Global Economic Progress and research Association, Tamil Nadu in November 2022.
  • Elected as member of the executive committee of the Board of Management of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in October 2022
  • Felicitated by ‘ICON awards by Golden AIM Award in healthcare sector’, instituted by Dynergic business Solutions to celebrate the achievements of healthcare professionals that have contributed immensely towards the growth of the education industry across India on 20th August 2022.
  • Felicitated with the Golden ICON award at the inaugural function held by Regional IAGE with infertility update- 2022 (Theme- endoscopy for women’s health& wellness) organised by IAGE Kanpur and KOGS committee at GSVM medical college Kanpur held on 14th and 15th of May 2022.
  • Felicitated by ‘Lifetime achievement award’ for contribution to the speciality of ART, at HORIZON -3, a conference on advances in infertility, ART, and recurrent pregnancy loss, organised by obs and gynaecologist Jammu and Dr Sunil Chaudhry in collaboration with ISAR JK, JOGS and Jammu Centre for Human Reproduction, at hotel Radisson Blu, in Jammu on the 7th and 8th of May 2022.
  • Awarded “Long service award for 35 years” at Sir Ganga Ram hospital New Delhi on Founder’s Day celebration on 13th April 2022
  • Awarded as ‘National champion of IVF’ in the second edition of ‘ET Health World Fertility award function on the 25th of February 2022 consecutively, for the second time.
  • Awarded with ‘Lifetime achievement award’ by ‘FERTIVISION 17’ the annual conference held by the Indian fertility society at the inaugural function held at hotel Lalit by chief guest as Mr. Shatrughan Sinha (former health minister Government of India) on the 4th of December 2021.
  • ‘Excellence and Leadership in healthcare award’, at the Golden AIM award ceremony organised by Dynergic business Solution for on 22nd September 2020 by a webinar on zoom platform.
  • Association of National Board Accredited Institutions (ANBAI) Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Dr. Abha Majumdar
  • Awarded most inspiring Gynecologist of the country on eve of doctors day by anupriya Patel minister
  • Awarded as ‘Pioneer in IVF’ at Indian Medical Tourism Summit held at the Taj Mansingh Hotel, Delhi on 1st February 2020.
  • Awarded at the Economic Times Health Care award function held at ‘The Lalit’ New Delhi, as the “ICON of IVF of North India”, her team awarded as the ‘Best integrated national team of IVF’, and then the most coveted award as the ‘IVF Champion of the year 2019’.
  • Awarded by ZEE business health care awards function on the 28th of September at the Taj Mansingh Hotel as the, ‘Woman leadership award 2019’.
  • Felicitated by Indian Fertility Society in IFS Haryana Chapter, Annual Conference on 19th May 2019, New Delhi as a ‘Distinguished Teacher of Excellence’ in Post Graduate Medical Education & Examinations, The Leela Ambience Hotel, Gurugram.
  • Felicitated for the highest award in the speciality of reproductive medicine by Merck and Serono pharma company on 25th Nov 2018.
  • Felicitated by “The Economic Times on Doctor’s Day Conclave 2018” for “Inspiring Gynaecologists of India” on 30th June 2018 at Delhi.
  • Felicitated by “Rashtriya Gaurav Gold Medal Award” by Global Economic Progress & Research Association (GRIPRA) for ‘Outstanding Individual achievement in management’ on 15th October 2017 at Chennai.
  • Felicitated by the Association of National Board Accredited Institutions (ANBAI & NBE) on 5th September 2017 at National Board of Examinations, New Delhias a “Distinguished DNB Teacher of Excellence” in Post Graduate Medical Education & Examinations, India.
  • Felicitated by infertility committee of FOGSI on 26th January 2017 at AICOG Ahmedabad for imparting the ‘highest number of advanced infertility observer ships’ to gynaecologist in last 3 years at the IVF centre SGRH.
  • Ranked as Best Fertility and IVF Centre in Delhi, NCR& North Zone and Second best fertility and IVF Centre in India according to Times of India, All India Fertility & IVF Ranking Survey 2017 on 16th December 2016.
  • Conferred the designation of Professor GRIPMER in Dec 2012 by the dean of Sir GangaRam Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and research.
  • Felicitated by ‘Abdul Kalam gold medal’ by Global Economic Progress & Research Association 2015.
  • Felicitated by “Medical Excellence Award” (Life Time achievement) in Obstetrics & Gynecology by Hippocrates foundation in 2014.
  • Felicitated with “ChikitsaRatna Award” by International Study Circle in 2007.
  • Felicitated for outstanding contribution towards field of specialty by Agra Alumni Delhi branch in 2006.
  • Felicitated by ‘Nations VikasRatan Award’ on 29th April 2002 at New Delhi by Nations Economic Development & Growth Society.
  • Felicitated with award by DMA on B.C.Roy’s birthday, 1st July 1999, as pioneer in the field of Medical profession & for great contribution towards medical and public health.
  • Head of the team responsible for reporting the “First IVF baby in northern India by frozen oocyte” conceived in 2008 and delivered in 2009.
  • Paper on ‘Correlating IVF Pregnancy outcome with basal FSH level, maximum Serum Estradiol levels and number of embryos transferred’ at the International Congress of Infertility and Trans-vaginal Ultrasound held at Bombay 12th-15th January 1995. CHIMCO Award for the best paper.
  • Responsible for the First IVF baby in Northern India, conceived and delivered on the 21st of September 1991, at the Unit of IVF & reproductive Medicine at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

Special Interests

Awarded by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor for winning cooking contest in ‘Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women – in a workshop on ‘From Knowledge to Plate’ and a lecture on “Role of Nutrition in Healthy Pregnancy and Prevention of IUGR” at Mumbai on 18th August 2018.

Clinical Trials Conducted And Organized

  • Clinical Study on “Immunogenicity safety study of FoligrafTM (Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone) in subjects undergoing assisted reproductive techniques” sponsored by Bharat Serum & Vaccines Ltd located at Mumbai.
  • Clinical study on “A prospective, multi-centre, randomized, open, clinical trial to compare clinical equivalence of two brands of recombinant Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for inducing final follicular maturation in intrauterine insemination cycles” sponsored by Bharat Serum & Vaccines Ltd located at Mumbai.
  • Clinical trial on “A multi- center, open-label, randomized trial in India to investigate the efficacy and safety of a single injection of MK-8962 (corifollitropinalfa) to induce multifollicular development for controlled ovarian stimulation using daily recombinant FSH as a reference (Phase III, Protocol No. MK-8962-029-00[also known as SCH90062, P07056])” sponsored by SIRO ClinpharmPvt Ltd.
  • Study on “A prospective, Multicenter, Open Label Phase IV Clinical Trial to test Efficacy and safety of Highly Purified Follicle Stimulating Hormone in subjects undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technique” Bharat Serum & Vaccines Ltd located at Mumbai.
  • Study on “A prospective, Multicenter, Open Label, Phase IV Clinical Trial to test efficacy and safety of highly purified Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for inducing final Follicular Maturation in Assisted Reproductive Technique” sponsored by Bharat Serum & Vaccines Ltd located at Mumbai.
  • Study on “A randomized, multicenter, parallel – group, assessor blind Phase III study to compare the efficacy and safety of Foligraf and Gonal F in subjects undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation for ART” sponsored by SiroClinpharmPvt. Ltd.





Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Rajendra Nagar
New Delhi, India-110060.

Email: ivfsgrh@gmail.com

Genesis Clinic

F-431, New Rajendra Nagar,
Landmark: Shankar Road Main Market, New Delhi -110060

For Appointment Only
011-45011438 (9 AM – 4 PM)
+91-9810821594 +91-9958076534 (4 PM – 9 PM)
Email: abhamajumdar@hotmail.com

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