
Papers and Publications


  • Case report on Mesenteric leiomyoma published in JIMSA vol. 3 No.2 April – June 1990.
  • Chapter on “Changing Trends in Induction of Ovulation for In Vitro Fertilization” published in JIMSA (Journal International Medical Sciences Academy) Dec. 2000 vol. 13 No.4: 273 -275.
  • Article “IVF in Women Over 40 years of Age’ What is New?” published at the Millennium issue of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in January 2000.
  • Publication of “Hydrosalpinx in IVF outcome” at ART club of India 1999.
  • Chapters in CME are for postgraduates on “Ovulation Induction”, Intra-uterine Insemination. In Vitro Fertilization, Micro-manipulation techniques, Fertility Issues in Premature Ovarian Failure, 1997-2002.
  • Chapter on “How do we diagnose Cervical factor?” in the text book ‘Practical approach to infertility management’, edited by Dr. Kanthi Bansal, 2003.
  • Chapter on ‘Assisted Hatching’ in the text book ‘The Heart and Soul of ART’ edited by. Dr.Prakash Trivedi 2004.
  • Chapter on “Technique of In Vitro Fertilization” in text book of ‘Infertility and ART’, edited by Dr. Mini Sood 2004 (under Publication)
  • Chapter on “Hyperandrogenic state in Reproductive life” on ‘Text book for post graduates’ edited by Dr. Sudha Salhan (under publication) sent Jan 2005.
  • Chapter on “Menstrual Irregularities in PCOS” in a book titled “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- An update” edited by Dr. B.N. Chakraborty & Dr. Gita Ganguly Mukherjee, released during AICOG January 2007.
  • Chapter on “Hysteroscopic myomectomy, polypectomy and directed biopsy” in the book titled ‘Manual of Operative Obstetrics & Gynaecology’ edited by Dr. Narender Malhotra,


  • Paper presented on Evaluation of Third Stage of Labour at the 33rd All India Obstetrics and Gynecological Congress. 28th-30th Dec.-89 (Patna)
  • Poster presented on Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Following Gonadotrophin Therapy in Polycystic Ovarian Disease at the 36th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 27th – 30th December 1992.
  • Paper on Complications of Medical Induction of Ovulation in Clomiphene citrate resistant Polycystic Ovarian Disease at the 1st Annual Conference of India Society of Peri-natology and Reproductive Biology, North Zone held in IMA hall under the auspices of AOGD on 29th October, 1995.
  • Paper presented on “Successful outcome after emergency cerclage following spontaneous expulsion of non viable twins” at the 3rd International scientific Congress of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology held in New Delhi from 12th-15th March 1997.
  • Paper presented on “Role of Laparoscopy in determining management methods in women with primary amenorrhea presenting as infertility” at the 3rd National Congress of Assisted reproductive technology and advances in infertility management under the auspices of Indian Society of Infertility Management in Calcutta from 7th-11th February 1997.
  • Paper presented at the 5th National Congress of Gynecological Endoscopy, Agra titled “In India Endoscopic Evaluation is still essential for Achieving Successful Reproductive Outcome in cases with Primary Amenorrhea” on 26.9.1998.
  • Paper presented on “Does PCOD Alter the Pregnancy Outcome in Down Regulated IVF-ET Cycles in High Responders” at the World Congress on Practical Infertility Management from 10th to 12th September 1999, held at Oberoi Towers Bombay.
  • Paper at Melbourne Australia at 17th world Congress IFFS 2001 on “Insulin Levels to Identify Insulin Resistance in PCOD”.
  • Paper at Melbourne Australia at 17th world Congress IFFS 2001 on “Does PCOD alter IVF outcome in Indian High Responders”.
  • Paper at International Congress on infertility held by FOGSI and MOGS at Renaissance Mumbai on 16th Nov.2003 on, “IVF outcome in women with suboptimal endometrial thickness”.
  • Paper at Montreal Canada, at the 18th World Congress on Infertility and Sterility (IFFS) from May 23rd to 28th 2004 on “IVF outcome in women with sub-optimal endometrial thickness: experience from a developing country”
  • Video presentation on “Endocsopy-Abreakthrough in Surgical management of female infertility” at 5th Indian Congress on gynaecologic Endoscopy, infertility and ART from Nov 25-28 2004 at Khajuraho, India.
  • Paper presented “Comparison of Clinical Features and Health Manifestation in Lean vs. Obese PCOS in a Developing Country” in IFFS 19th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, at International Convention Centre Durban from 30th April to 3rd May 2007.
  • Poster presentation on “IVF Outcome in Pre-Stimulation Short Term Testosterone Patch Application in Unexplained Poor Responders” in the 5th congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction held in conjunction with FSA Annual Conference from 4th – 6th April 2014 at Brisbane, Australia.
  • Dr. Abha Majumdar, Monalisa Singh, Does Step Down Gonadotropin Dose in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation Lead to Lower Rate of Follicular Phase Progesterone Elevation Compared to Sustained High Dose Gonadotropin Stimulation. Accepted Abstract for oral presentation for ASPIRE conference to be held in Philippines 2020

Best paper awards

  • Paper on Correlating IVF Pregnancy outcome with basal FSH level, maximum S. Estradiol levels and number of embryos transferred at the International Congress of Infertility and Trans-vaginal Ultrasound held at Bombay 12th-15th January 1995. Awarded CHIMCO Award for the best paper presented.
  • Paper on Preliminary trial correlating Trans-vaginal colour Doppler uterine artery flow imaging to pregnancy rate in donor embryo transfer cycles at the 3rd Annual Conference of IHAR held at Agra on 18th February, 1995.Award for the best paper.
  • Paper on High Serum Estradiol Levels do not have Adverse Effects on Pregnancy out come in IVF cycles at the Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons. Indian Section held at Pune 4th September 1994. Best paper awarded.

Orations/ Invited guest lectures

More than 350 invited guest lectures, >80 sessions chaired and Moderator and Panelist for more than 150 panel discussions in state, national and international conferences, CME’s and seminars.

1.‘Revisiting IUI in the ERA of IVF’, for Dr Raj Baveja Oration , at the annual conference of Uttar Pradesh the 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 20th of April 2024.
2.‘45 years of trials and triumphs of IVF in India’, for the prestigious 8th Dr Subhas Mukherjee Memorial oration with a by Bengal Obstetrics and Gynecology Society (BOGS) at The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata Thursday, June 22, 2023
3.The nuances of AMH in Reproductive Medicine”, at Jodhpur Oration on 21st December 2019 organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AIIMS Jodhpur.
4.“Unraveling the journey of IVF”, at Tapisar held at Selam State conference (Salem Chapter of TAPISAR SCOT) along with OGSOS (FOGSI), at Radisson hotel on 24th and 25th of November 2018.
5.“Unraveling the journey of IVF”, the ‘Dr. Khodai Ji Oration’ on 8th April 2018 at Gorakhpur Obstetrics & Gynecology Society (GOGS) annual function held at Gorakhpur.

6.“Unraveling the journey of IVF”, at the ‘Leelawati Oration’ on 29thOctober 2017 at NARCHI annual conference held at New Delhi.

7.“Is ART for all or some?” at 12th World Congress & 20th Indian Conference of National Association of Reproductive Child Health (NARCHI FEST 2014) at Lucknow on 9th November 2014.

8.“Androgen insufficiency in women” for Dr. Prabha Malhotra Oration on at 23rd annual conference of UPCON OBGYN of India at Agra on 19th November 2011.

9.Pundit Radha Krishna Memorial Oration on “In Vitro Fertilization” October 1993 at IMA Dehradun at the Annual Academic Symposium .

10.Invited guest lecture on ‘Medical vs surgical cerclage for cervical incompetence’, at the annual conference of Uttar Pradesh the 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 20 and 21stth of April 2024.
11.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘Ovulation induction in all scenarios’, at the ART workshop at the annual conference of Uttar Pradesh the 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 19th of April 2024
12.Invited guest lecture on ‘Ovulation induction in endometriosis’, at a web series ‘Inspire and Ignite’, on the theme ‘Endometriosis unplugged’, organised by Dr Jyoti Malick 0n 9th April 2024
13.Invited guest lecture on ‘Revisiting IUI’, by ISAR Haryana in association with GOGS on the theme Innovation, Technology , ethics in infertility at hotel Plazeo on the 31st of March 2024.
14.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘ Psycho-Social impact of IVF on women’, on the occasion of International women’s day celebration by the department of Biotechnology and Research of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, on the 7th of march 2024.
15.Invited guest lecture on the topic, ‘IVF versus surgery for endometrioma with infertility’, at the endometriosis update, organised by obstetrics and gynaecology society of Gurugram organised by Dr. Ritu Jain at the Plazeo on 22nd of February 2024.
16.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘The New FIGO ovulatory disorder classification: PROS & CONS’, at the session of ‘Ovulatory disorders and COH’, 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 9th of December 2023.
17.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘Recurrent implantation failure- Is the endometrium responsible? Can we help?’, at the workshop on ‘ Endometrial Disorders- Dealing with Diagnostic and therapeutic Dilemmas’, for the 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 8th of December 2023.
18.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘Optimising ovarian stimulation in unexplained infertility for IUI’, at the workshop on Recent Advances in Basics & Advanced Ovarian Stimulation’, for the 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 8th of December 2023.
19.Invited guest lecture on the topic ‘Ovulation induction protocols in different scenarios’, at the workshop on ‘ Managing Female Infertility in OBGYN unit’, for the 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 8th of December 2023.
20.Invited guest lecture on ‘Research in reproductive medicine impacting IVF outcome’, on research day celebration at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on the 4th of October 2023.
21.Invited guest lecture on ‘IVF protocol (agonist/ANTAGONIST) how to choose/ how to start?’ at AOGD-FOGICON 2023 at the 45th annual Conference of AOGD FOGSI PG Conference organised by Dr.Manju Khimani, Dr.Sunita Arora at the Leela Ambience Gurgaon on the 18th of august 2023.
22.Invited guest lecture on ‘Management of poor responder in IVF’, at a CME by West Delhi Gynec Forum at Jaypee Siddhartha on 27th of July 2023
23.Invited guest lecture on ‘The beginning of IVF in India and the roadmap to infertility management’, on world IVF Day organised as NUTRIVIGILANCE webinar by Signatura on 25th of July 2023.
24.Invited guest lecture on ‘How is Ovarian Stimulation for IUI different from IVF’, at a symposium on ‘Ovarian factor in subfertility: challenges and solutions’, under the aegis of IFS UP(E)) chapter, held in Lucknow Hotel Clarks Awadh on 9th July 2023.
25.Invited guest lecture on ‘Poor responders in IVF’, at a symposium on ‘Ovarian factor in subfertility: challenges and solutions’, under the aegis of IFS UP(E)) chapter, held in Lucknow Hotel Clarks Awadh on 9th July 2023.
26.Invited guest lecture on ‘Ovarian stimulation from IUI to IVF’ in the infertility workshop at the FOGSI National conference (WWNATCON) 2023 held at Kanpur on 19th of May 2023.
27.Invited guest lecture on ‘Estrogen and progesterone: clinical relevance in ART’, at a webinar organised by IFS chapter and IFS Chandigarh chapter on the topic hormones in IVF and their clinical relevance and rationale on 3rd may 2023.
28.Invited guest lecture on ‘Stimulation protocols for endometriosis,’ at the22nd webinar ‘health Wellbeing and Fertility in endometriosis,’ under the sizzling Masterstrokes Fertility Web-Series organised by IFS Vidarbha on Friday the 10th March 2023.
29.Invited guest lecture on ‘Multiple Wave Concept – Putting it in Practice’, at the 18th Annual Conference of the Indian Fertility society in Hyderabad at the convention Centre on 9th of December 2022.
30.Invited guest lecture by ‘Selection of Right Protocol for the Right Patient’, as stand-alone speaker, organised by BSV international at hotel Lemon Tree in Hyderabad on 9th of December 2022.
31.Invited guest lecture on, ‘Androgens in ovarian health and disease – a double edged sword’, at the pre-congress AOGD workshop, organised by obstetrics and Gynecology department of ‘Maulana Azad Medical College’ and ‘Lok Nayak Hospital’ at the 44th Annual AOGD conference, by Dr. Surveen Ghumman as convenor, at hotel Jaypee Siddharth, New Delhi on the 11th of November 2022.
32.Invited guest lecture on ‘ART ACT: what’s not clear? Critical documentation and SOP requirements, organised by Bharat Serum institute of India, at The Leela Ambience Gurugram on 20th November 2022.
33. Invited guest lecture on ‘Gonadotropins in IUI’, at the pre-congress AOGD workshop, organised by the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of ‘Maulana Azad Medical College’ and ‘Lok Nayak Hospital’, at the 44th Annual AOGD conference, by Dr. Manju Khimani and Dr. Sunita Arora as convenor, at Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket, New Delhi, on the 10th of November 2022.
34.Invited Guest lecture on, ‘Ovulation Induction in Special Scenarios’, at Controversies In Infertility Management (CIIM) 2022 organised as a hybrid conference at hotel Leela Chennai, by Dr Geetha Haripriya Chairperson and Medical Director of Prashant Infertility Research Centre, Chennai on 8th October 2022.
35.Invited case presentations on ‘ANUBHAV’ an experience sharing by the experts, organised by Mankind Pharma, and convened by Dr. Shambhu Mandal as a live webinar on zoom platform on 8th October 2022.
36.Invited guest lecture on ‘Duo-Stim: When and How’, at the 10th international congress of Ace 2022, organised by the academy of clinical embryologist, India with the theme Assess, Challenges, Excel…held at Leela Gurgaon on the 24th/25th September 2022.
37.Invited guest lecture on the ‘A clinician’s perspective and concerns’, at the workshop titled ‘Legal IVF Practices in Current era of ART’, at the 10th international congress of ACE 2022 organised by the academy of clinical embryologist, India with the theme Assess, Challenges, Excel…held at Leela Gurgaon on the 23rd of September 2022.
38.Invited guest lecture on ‘What is the connection between GUT dysbiosis and fertility’, at the 7th annual conference of the PCOS society of India with the theme ‘Old questions, new answers…. All about PCOS’, held at the Leela Mumbai on the 16th and 17th of September 2022.
39.Invited guest lecture on ‘PGT: what a clinician needs to know’, at the 2nd annual conference of Haryana, at hotel Leela Ambience Gurugram, on the 11th of September 2022.
40.Invited guest lecture on ‘Dilemmas to Decision making in evaluation of infertile couple – latest concepts’, at the 9th HOPE series CMEs under the aegis of Indian Fertility society and Lucknow obstetrics and Gynecology society on 4th September 2022.
41.Invited guest lecture on ‘Basics of ovulation’, at Rajasthan chapter of IFS organised by Dr Anju at a webinar on ‘ovulation induction in infertility’, on 19th august 2022
42.Invited guest lecture on ‘PGT – better to prevent rather than repent’, at the 17th ART update in Greater Chandigarh Chapter of IFS on7th august 2022
43.Invited guest lecture on ‘Evidence based management of unexpected poor responder (Poseidon 1 and 2)’, organised by the Indian Fertility Society Special Interest Group (SIG) on poor responders on a digital platform on 22nd July 2022.
44.Invited for lecture on ‘Roadmap to female infertility, at Medfemme Women’s clinic for round table meeting organized by Dr Tejashri Shrotri on 8th June 2022
45.Invited keynote lecture on ‘Roadmap to female infertility, Do’s, and don’ts’, at the Regional IAGE with infertility update- 2022 (Theme- endoscopy for women’s health& wellness) organised by IAGE Kanpur and KOGS committee at GSVM medical college Kanpur held on 14th and 15th of May 2022.
46.Invited keynote lecture on ‘Strategies to Improve Ovarian Stimulation Outcome For IVF’, at HORIZON – 3, a conference on advances in infertility, ART, and recurrent pregnancy loss, organised by obs and gynaecologist Jammu and Dr Sunil Chaudhry in collaboration with ISAR JK, JOGS and Jammu Centre for Human Reproduction, at hotel Radisson Blu, in Jammu on the 7th and 8th of May 2022.
47.Invited guest lecture on ‘Evidence based management of PCOS’, in an update on obstetrics and Gynecology organized by the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ‘Atal Bihari Bajpai Institute of Medical Sciences’, and Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital New Delhi on the 27th of March 2022

48.Invited guest lecture on ‘Managing Stubborn PCOS’, at the FUSION 2022 organised jointly by IFS, ISAR and ESHRE held on 4th to 6th of February 2022.

49.Invited guest lecture on ‘’Clinical approach to improving the endometrium in ART evidence-based evaluation’, organised by Indian Fertility Society, Haryana and Rewari Obstetric and Gynaecologic society with Jagson and Pal as their academic partner on the zoom digital platform at 4 pm on 18th January 2022.

50.Invited guest lecture on ‘How is IVF stimulation different from IUI ovarian stimulation? No confusions.’ at the 17th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility Society hybrid workshop on ‘Mastering the ART for ovarian stimulation in IVF’, organised by Dr Shweta Mittal and Dr. Rashmi Sharma at hotel Lalit New Delhi, on the 4th of November 2021

51.Invited guest lecture on ‘Ovarian Stimulation in IVF, more or less and which one is better?’ at the hybrid 17th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility Society, organised by Dr. Sudha Prasad, Dr. Neena Malhotra and Dr. K.D. Nayar at hotel Lalit New Delhi, on the 10th of November 2021.

52.Invited guest lecture on “Precautions during OPU in Fertility Preservation” at FERTIPROTECT 2021 (virtual) the 8th annual conference of FPS (!) held on 27th and 28th November at 6.30 pm on 28th of November 2021.

53.Invited guest lecture on ‘Challenges in diagnosis and management of adolescent hyper-androgenemia’, for AOGD pre-congress workshop on digital platform, organised by Dr. Surveen Ghumman on the 16th of November 2021

54.Lecture on ‘Crossroads of career DISHA’ to address and guide doctors doing or just finished obstetrics and Gynecology for future career options, organised on a digital ZOOM platform by MANKIND pharmaceuticals on the 19th September 2021.

55.Invited guest lecture on “Natural Micronized Progesterone vs Dydrogesterone the big fight” on a digital platform organised by the makers of Dydrofem Emcure” on the 2nd of September2021.

56.Invited guest lecture on “Azoospermia- what a gynaecologist should know” by IFS on a digital platform on 25th august 2021.

57.Invited guest lecture on ‘Ovarian stimulation protocols for ART in women with endometrioses’ on a digital platform at the CEEI 2021, under the aegis of FOGSI by committees of endometriosis, endoscopy and infertility on the occasion of world IVF Day 25th July 2021

58.Invited guest lecture on ‘Reproductive Concerns in Turners Syndrome’, organised on a digital platform on a zoom link ‘Turners Syndrome India Virtual Conference’, organised by Dr. Shailendra Singh from the United States of America, AIIMS and SGRH on the from 6.30 pm to 9.30 PM India time 11the of July 2021.

59.Invited guest lecture on ‘Evidence Based recommendations for IUI’ organized by UP ISAR by Dr Neelam Ohri and Dr Latika Agarwal with logistic support provided by Team IVA makers of Materna on 9th of July 2021.

60.Invited guest lecture on ‘Stimulations for IVF in patients with DOR’ organised by TAPISAR (Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Chapter of ISAR) at the national e-CME on Assisted Reproductive Technology held on the 16th of May, 2021.

61.Invited gest lecture on ‘Recurrent Implantation Failure’ on the digital platform of doc-space plus sponsored by BSV (Bharat Serum and Vaccine) under Masterclass season 2 on the at 5 pm on the 14th of May 2021.

62.Invited Guest lecture on ‘Health and Wellness of women’, on Mother’s Day organised by HDFC bank ((Sourabh Das Calcutta) on a digital platform on the 9th of May 2021.

63.Invited keynote lecture ‘Follow up of ART pregnancies and Perinatal outcomes’ organised by ISAR META course on Basics of Reproductive Medicine, on a digital platform on the 2nd of May 2021.

64.Invited guest lecture on ‘The inside story of multi-specialty private hospitals during COVID 19 pandemic’, are we seeing them with tinted glasses’ organised by the President Dr Rajiv Tandon of metropolitan south Delhi Rotary club on a digital platform at 8.30 am on the 5th of April 2021

65.Invited guest lecture ‘Ovulation induction in IUI for gynaecologist’. For gyne South Delhi forum organised by Dr. Sunita Arora on a digital platform at 3pm on the 17th February 2021.

66.Invited guest lecture on ‘Endometriosis in adolescence’ organised by ‘Bharat Serum Institute of India’ on digital platform for their masterclass held at 5 pm on11th January 2021

67.Invited guest Lecture on ‘Recurrent Implantation Failure in IVF’, on a virtual CME organised on a digital platform by Dr. Jaya Krishnan from Trivandrum on the 13th of December 2020

68.Lecture for fertility week special masterclass on ‘Strategies of Ovarian Stimulation To Improve Outcome’ organised by Bharat Serum India, on a web platform DOCMODE on the 4th of November 2020.

69.Invited lecture for a masterclass ‘Premature Ovarian insufficiency’, in a Webinar organised by ‘South Asian Federation of Menopause Societies’ on a virtual platform by technical support by Abbott pharmaceuticals.

70.Invited lecture on the topic ‘Revisiting IUI in the ERA of IVF’, on the web platform, organised by the Centre of IVF and Human Reproduction SGRH for the pre-congress workshop of AOGD annual conference on the 28th of October 2020.

71.Lecture on the topic, “New twists in ovarian stimulation ‘More is better but how much more’”, at the Best of COGI – Online Knowledge Academy Session 4 on the zoom platform at 7 pm on 27th September 2020.

72.Lecture on ‘Prophylaxis of Venous Thrombo Embolism in gynaecological surgery’ at a Webinar by SUNOFI pharmaceuticals ‘Women and Thrombosis: VTE Complications in Gynaecological Surgeries held at 7 PM on 26th of September 2020

73.Lecture on ‘Endocrinopathies and Infertility’ in webinar on ‘Diagnostic and Management Dilemmas in infertility’, at FERTIMAX 2020 under the aegis of infertility committee AOGD organised by MAX Panchsheel Park on 2nd August 2020.

74.Lecture on ‘Gonadotropins and IUI’ at a webinar CME ‘Seven days Seven scholars: A to Z of infertility every Friday’ organised by Rewari Obstetrics and Gynaecology society on 31st of July 2020.

75.Lecture on ‘Scheduling cycles with antagonist protocol for IVF’, at a webinar organised by MSD on 16th of June 2020.

76.Lecture on ‘Approach to difficult situations in ovulation induction’ at the X files in ovulation induction by ISAR initiated fifth webinar organised by Dr Arti Luthra on 9th of June 20202

77.Lecture on ‘Gonadotropin for induction of ovulation in difficult PCOS’, at the annual commemoration of RN Ganguli foundation, in symposium titled, ‘PCOS and its management” organised as a zoom webinar by Dr. Geeta Ganguli Mukherjee on 7th of June 2020.

78.Video shoot for ‘HT Time together’ on the topic ‘Precautions pregnant women can take’ organised by Merck Serono on the 5th of June 2020 on an internet platform.

79.Lecture on ‘Male Infertility Commonly Encountered Problems’, organised by IFS, technical support by Docmode, logistics by Zydus on 3pm to 4 pm on 12th May 2020.

80.Lecture on, ‘Role of androgens in poor responder’, webinar organised by SUN pharma under the aegis of AOGD on the 28th April 2000.

81.Lecture on ‘Antenatal tips to pregnant women’, on iMUMZ app and queries answered on 27th of April 2020.

82.Lecture on ‘Transdermal Estrogens for endometrial preparation: The most favourable way forward for frozen embryo transfer cycles’, organised during COVID 19 lockdown by INTAS pharmaceuticals between 11 to 12 noon, on 9th of April 2020

83.Lecture on ‘Role of Gonadotropins in IUI cycles’, organised during COVID 19 lockdown by INTAS pharmaceuticals between 12 noon to 1.00 pm, on 9th of April 2020

84.Lecture on ‘Fertility and Reproduction’ in an Educational Program on Turner Syndrome on 19th January 2020 at Conference Hall, AIIMS, New Delhi.

85.Lecture on ‘10 mistakes an infertility clinician makes’ at the 26th Annual NARCHI Preconference Workshop on Infertility with the theme of ‘Learning and Unlearning Infertility Practices’ organized by NARCHI DELHI, held on 22nd November 2019 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

86.Lecture on ‘Individualized Embryo Transfer’ at 31st Annual Conference UP chapter of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UPCOG 2019 organized by Varanasi Obstetric & Gynaecological Society from 15th to 17th November 2019 at Hotel Ramada, Plaza JHV, Varanasi.

87.Lecture on, ‘Challenges in Stimulating the Stubborn Ovaries’ at the STAR Endo-gyn Conclave at Coimbatore with Endo-insight Infertility conference held at ‘The Residency Towers’ organized by Rao Hospital Coimbatore on 20th October 2019

88.Lecture on ‘ART and Endometriosis’ in Pre-Congress AOGD Video Workshop – Endometriosis organized by Endometriosis Committee FOGSI, Endometriosis Committee AOGD and KJIVF & Laparoscopy Centre on Friday, 27th September 2019, at India Habitat Centre Delhi.

89.Lecture on ‘Chronic Endometritis – Diagnosis Management & Impact over Success’ in a conference organized by The Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction & The IVF Research Society on 15th September 2019 at AIIMS, New Delhi.

90.Lecture on ‘AMH – Predictor of Ovarian Reserve’ at the National Conference on Infertility Update & High-Risk Pregnancy Care – 2019 organized by Madhuraj Academy & Research Centre Madhuraj Advanced Infertility &IVF Centre in association with Kanpur Obs & Gynae Society on 8th September 2019 at The Landmark Hotel, The Mall, Kanpur.

91.Lecture on ‘Down regulating LH in PCOS, what is the evidence’ at CME organised by Dr Sonia Malik on 25th of august 2019

92.Keynote Lecture on ‘Asynchronous and pathological windows of implantation’ on 17th August at the YUVA ISAR 2019, Taj Hotel, Convention Centre AGRA held from 16th – 18th August 2019.

93.Lecture on ‘Simplifying luteal support in IVF ‘at the pre-congress workshop of – Clinical Update, Advances 2019 conference on 9th August 2019 at Trivandrum.

94.Lecture on ‘Recurrent Pregnancy losses: newer dimensions ‘in Reproductive Medicine – Clinical Update, Advances 2019 conference on 9th August 2019 at Trivandrum.

95.Lecture on ‘Management of Sub-optimal responders in ART’ in ALIVE CME organised by Merck Serono, at The Park Hotel, New Delhi on 1st August 2019.

96.Lecture on ‘Management Strategy in Recurrent Implantation Failure’ in IFS Haryana Chapter Annual Conference at The Leela Ambience Hotel, Gurugram on 19th May 2019.

97.Invited guest lecture on ‘Individualization of COS to optimize success organized by Merck Serono in Coimbatore at the Residency Hotel on 28th of April 2019.

98.Lecture on ‘Preventing and Managing complications of Controlled Ovarian Hyper-stimulation’, at the 25th annual Congress of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction held at ‘The Grand Hyatt’, at Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March 2019.

99.Lecture on ‘Luteal Phase Support’, at Healthy Pregnancy workshop organized by Abbott at Gurgaon obstetrics and Gynecology society (GOGS), at Hotel Pllazio Gurgaon on 27th February 2019.

100.Lecture on ‘Role of Androgens in Poor Responders’ at the 29th annual meeting of ‘Indian society for the study of Reproduction and fertility’ (ISSRF 2019), jointly organized by ISSRF and AIIMS as Global conference on Health with focus Occupational, Environmental and Lifestyle Factors on 22nd to 23rd of February in 2019 at the JNU New Delhi.

101.Lecture on ‘Fertility Preservation in women’, at a CME held at the auditorium of Maulana Azad Medical College on the 10th of February 2019.

102.Lecture on ‘Fertility and Reproduction in Turners Syndrome’ at the auditorium of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, jointly organized by Sir Ganga ram Hospital and All India Institute of Medical Sciences in a symposium on Turners Syndrome focusing the meeting essentially for parents and patients on 27th of January 2019. 

103.Lecture on ‘Adolescent endometriosis, – a challenge’ at CIIM (controversies in infertility management) at the Taj Coromandel at Chennai, organized by Prashanth fertility and research centre by Dr C. Geetha Haripriya on the 22nd and 23rd of December 2018.

104.Lecture on ‘Endocrinology of folliculogenesis with clinical applications’ at CIIM (controversies in infertility management) at the Taj Coromandel at Chennai, organized by Prashanth fertility and research centre by Dr C. Geetha Haripriya on the 22nd and 23rd of December 2018.

105.Lecture on, ‘Smart stimulation of the Ovary to fit the budget’, at TAPISAR held at Selam State conference (Salem Chapter of TAPISAR SCOT) along with OGSOS (FOGSI), at Radisson hotel on 24th and 25th of November 2018.

106.Lecture on ‘Premature Progesterone elevation: Genesis to rescue strategies!’ at LIFE 2018, a conference on Infertility & Foetal Medicine ‘Controversies to Consensus’, held at hotel Le Meridien Bengaluru, from 23rd to 25th November 2018.

107.Lecture on ‘Twin-Optimizing Perinatal Outcome with one Foetal Demise’ at the 30th annual conference of UP, UPCOG, held at MLN Medical College Allahabad from 15th to17th November 2018.

108.Lecture on ‘Recurrent implantation failure’ at the assisted reproduction workshop at 30th annual conference of UP, UPCOG, held at MLN Medical College Allahabad from 15th to17th November 2018.

109.Lecture on ‘IUI Current Status’ at Infertility and Ultrasound Update, hosted by Dr Nagori’s Institute for Infertility and IVF at Hotel Crown Plaza, Ahmedabad on 22nd – 23rd September 2018.

110.Lecture on ‘Endometrial scratching, RCT – where is the evidence’ in ESHRE-IFS, Joint Campus Meeting, ‘Improving Endometrial Receptivity – Problems & Solutions’, on 16th September 2018 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

111.Lecture on ‘Optimising IUI Results’ at a conference to organize the ISAR Certificate Course in ART at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram on 14th September 2018.

112.Lecture on ‘Endometriosis’ in a symposium organized by Mankind Pharmaceuticals Limited on 2nd September 2018 at Hotel Lalit, Delhi.

113.Lecture on ‘Recent Advances in ART’ on 20th August 2018 at Auditorium, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

114.Lecture on ‘Role of nutrition in healthy pregnancy and prevention of IUGR’ in a workshop on “Role of Nutrition in Healthy Pregnancy and Prevention of IUGR” organized by DANONE on 18th August 2018 at Mumbai.

115.Invited guest Lecture on ‘How to optimize the result of IUI’ at a CME held at Gateway Taj Kolkata, organized by IFS Bengal chapter on 4th August 2018 at Kolkata.

116.Invited guest Lecture on ‘Recurrent Implantation Failure’, at FOGSI – Infertility Update 2018, organized by 21st century group of hospitals and SOGS, at Taj Gateway hotel on 29th July 2018 at Surat.

117.Lecture on ‘PCOS: Rational Protocols of OI’ at Hope Conclave 2018 organized by Mankind Pharmaceuticals on 8th July 2018 at Hotel Lalit, Delhi

118.Invited guest lecture at Abbott’s advisory board meeting on ‘Genesis of Dehydrogeterone in luteal phase support in ART cycles’, at Shangri-La hotel new Delhi on 11th May 2018

119.Invited guest lecture on ‘Thin Endometrium’ at 23rd ISAR annual conference held at science city Kolkata 20th to 22nd April 2018

120.Invited guest lecture on ‘Managing Miscarriages’ at the East Delhi Gynae forum on 11th April 2018 organized by Dr. Sharda Jain. (Abbott sponsored)

121.Keynote lecture on ‘Unraveling the journey of IVF”, at the CME organized by INTAS pharmaceuticals Genesis with the theme harmony of hormones, at Goa from 23rd – 25th March 2018.

122.Key note lecture on ‘What is new in ART’ at workshop number 1 at the annual conference of Fertivision 2017 organized by Indian fertility society New Delhi at Hotel Pullman Aerocity on the 8th of December 2017

123.Lecture on ‘PGD and PGS clinical challenges’ at workshop number 5 at the annual conference of Fertivision 2017 organized by Indian fertility society New Delhi at Hotel Pullman Aerocity on the 8th of December 2017.

124.Lecture on ‘3 parent IVF: What are the concerns and are they justified?’ at the annual conference Fertivision 2017 organized by Indian fertility society New Delhi at Hotel Pullman Aerocity on the 9th of December 2017.

125.Lecture on ‘Stimulation protocols for IUI and IVF in endometriosis and adenomyosis; are they different?’ at controversies in infertility management (CIIM) conference held in Chennai at the Grand Leela organized by Dr. Geeta Haripriya on 25th and 26th November 2017.

126.Lecture on, “Stimulation Protocols for IUI and IVF in endometriosis and adenomyosis, are they different?” at the CIMM 2017 (Controversies in infertility Management) held in Chennai organized by Dr Geetha Haripriya on 26th of November 2017.

127.Lecture on ‘Controlled Ovarian Stimulation” in a session Intra uterine insemination, held at FEMM2017 (Fertility enhancement, management and more) conference organized by FOGSI, MOGS,AOFOG,ISAR Maharashtra branch, on the 19th of November (17th to 19th November 2017) at the St.Regis, lower Parel Palidium Mall Mumbai.

128.Lecture on “When and whom should we test for Kochs?” at the AOGD pre-congress ‘Infertility workshop’ at 39th annual conference of AOGD held at Sita Ram Bhartiya Institute of Science and Research on the 17th of November 2017

129.Lecture on “The role of progesterone in Human Reproduction: New Vistas” organized by IOG (Indian obstetrics and gynecology) award ceremony by Walter Bushnell on 21st October 2017 at Le Meridian New Delhi.

130.Lecture on ‘IVF in endometriosis and adenomyosis’ at the SIFCON 2017 the endometriosis summit at JW Marriot Chandigarh on the 10th of September 2017

131.Lecture on ‘PGS – Blessing or a Nuisance’ at the Resolve Infertility 2017- Hands on workshop on Infertility & International Conference on Infertility related issues in association with BSOG & IMA held in Smrithi & Stuthi Auditorium, Baptist Hospital Bengaluru on 9th July 2017.

132.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction and its monitoring in gonadotropin resistant PCOS”, PCOS – Unraveling the enigma at 2nd Annual conference of the PCOS society of India on 16th June 2017 at Kalinga Bangalore.

133.Lecture on “Workup of primary and secondary amenorrhea” in class for IFS fellows held on 13th June 2017 at Auditorium, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

134.Lecture on ‘Case selection and workup for PGS and PGD’ at the 14th ART update held in Glen View hotel at Kausali on 27th and 28th May 2017 organized by Dr. Umesh Jindal.

135.Lecture on ‘Stimulation in endometriosis and adenomyosis: Is it different?’ at the first endometriosis summit organized by endometriosis committee FOGSI in association with AOGD and SIG-endometriosis IFS, by Dr. Kuldeep Jain on the 14th May 2017 at India Habitat Centre New Delhi.

136.Lecture on “Primary Amenorrhoea” for the ISAR ASPIRE refresher PG Course on Reproductive Endocrinology in 22nd Annual Congress ISAR-2017at Hyatt Regency, Gurugram on 21st April 2017.

137.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction” in a CME in Bareilly on 15th& 16th April 2017 organized by Bareilly gynec society.

138.Lecture on “Role of Androgen in poor responders” in a CME in Bareilly on 15th& 16th April 2017 organized by Bareilly gynec society.

139.Lecture on “Art Bill and Surrogacy- The Logic” on 7th April 2017 in XXXIII Annual National conference – ISOPARB 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

140.Lecture on “Poor Responders” in GENOME – The Fertility Centre organizes the 4th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction, Bengal Club, Kolkata on 11thFebruary 2017.

141.Lecture on “Role of Androgen in treatment of patients with low ovarian response” in FERTIVISION 2016 on 10th December 2016 at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan, Gomti Nagar Lucknow.

142.Lecture on “Overcome the perceived barriers to use Biosimilar FSH” in FERTIVISION 2016 on 10th December 2016 at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan, Gomti Nagar Lucknow.

143.Lecture on “Stimulation protocols in IVF” in Horizon 2 Conference on Advances in Infertility, Art, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss on 2nd till 5th December 2016 at Abhinav Theatre Jammu.

144.Lecture on “Addressing ovulatory disorders: Aiming a mono-follicular development” in Preconference workshop of 38th Annual Conference of Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Delhi on 11th – 13th November 2016 at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi.

145.Lecture on “ART considerations in special cases (Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Swyer syndrome, 46 xx pure gonadal dysgenesis, AIS)” in LIFE Conference 2016 on 4th – 6th November 2016 at, Hotel Le Meridian, Bangalore.

146.Lecture on ‘Innovations in Ovulation Induction” in LIFE Conference 2016 on 4th – 6th November 2016 at, Hotel Le Meridian, Bangalore.

147.Lecture on “How to improve endometrial receptivity” in ARTIS 2016, Andrology Workshop; Live Demonstration of Procedures at Jalandhar on 2nd October 2016.

148.Lecture on “Pre Gestational Diagnosis in Thalassemia” in 6th International Conference on Thalassemia 2016 at Hotel Eros, Nehru Place, New Delhi on 25th September 2016.

149.Lecture on “Oocyte Retrieval” in22nd IFFS World Congress, Basic IVF Live Relay Workshop conducted by Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi on 21st September 2016

150.Lecture on “Obese Adolescent: Fertility implications “in a scientific session in 22nd IFFS World Congress on 24th September 2016.

151.Lecture on “Common errors in treating infertility” and “Diminished Ovarian Reserve” in 12th State Conference of AOGCG organized by Raipur Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society in association with Indian Fertility Society & Department of Obs & Gyne at Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur on 20th& 21st August 2016.

152.Lecture on “Modern approach in IVF stimulation protocols” in Fertility Experts Meet: Current approaches in improving ART outcome on 7th August 2016 at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore.

153.Lecture on “Progesterone in Pregnancy “in a Symposium on Progesterone at FABCON 2016, a FOGSI conference on 9th& 10th July 2016 at Jaipur.

154.Lecture on “Common errors in treating infertility & Is IVF for all or few” in Kolkata on 25th June 2016.

155.Lecture on “Choosing the right gonadotropin for COH” in the annual day celebration of Gujarat chapter of ISAR in Ahmedabad on 19th June 2016.

156.Lecture on “Progesterone in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss” in the National G-FIT session at Delhi on 12th June 2016.

157.Lecture on “IUI current concepts to optimize results” & “Avoiding common errors while treating infertility” in Cutting Edge Reproductive Medicine Conference on 29thMay 2016 at Women’s Centre, Coimbatore.

158.Lecture on “Case of Primary Amennorhoea” at DNB Forum in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on 25th May 2016.

159.Lecture in Classroom teaching of Indian Fertility Society fellows on 24th May 2016 at Auditorium, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

160.Keynote lecture on ‘3 parent IVF’ at the 21st National Conference of ISAR 2016 held on 27th& 28thth of February at Indore Brilliant convention centre.

161.Lecture on ‘the guilt trip… what goes wrong and why IUI fails?’, at the IUI workshop of the 21st National Conference of ISAR 2016 held on 26th of February at Indore Brilliant convention centre.

162.Lecture on ‘Journey of IVF; Louise Brown till today’ in CME on recent advances in ART on 13th of February 2016 at the silver Jubilee celebrations of IVF at SGRH.

163.Keynote address on “The roles of ovulation documentation and timed intercourse” in basic ART workshop at the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology on 13th January 2016 at Agra.

164.Lecture on “Endocrinopathies affecting ovulation” in 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th January 2016 at Agra.

165.Lecture on “Endoscopy and Infertility” in CME on 13th December 2015, at Hotel Radisson Blue, Nagpur.

166.Guest lecture on ‘Avoiding Errors in treatment of women with infertility” in a CME on 13th December 2015, at Hotel Radisson Blue, Nagpur.

167.Lecture on “Is there an ideal assisted reproductive technology protocol for women with endometriosis” at FERTIVISION 2015, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on 5th December 2015.

168.Lecture on “Testicular Failure in Human – Current Management & Future Perspective” at Pre-congress Course Understanding Sperms & Semen- Basic & Advanced Andrology FERTIVISION 2015, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on 4th December 2015.

169.Lecture on ‘Individualized controlled ovarian stimulation for ART’, sponsored by Intas Pharmaceuticals, at FERTIVISION 2015, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on 5th December 2015.

170.Lecture on “Thin Endometrium” in a Scientific Program organized by Embryology Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) 2015 on 4th – 6th September 2015 at Gurgaon, Haryana.

171.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction- the lesson learned” in pre congress workshop “Yuva FOGSI 2015” at Jodhpur on 31st July & 1st August 2015.

172.Lecture on “Selection of Stimulation Protocol” in 3rd Regional Conference Fertitech 2015 in association with IMA Shrirampur, Ahmednagar Obstetric & Gynaecological Society on 11th& 12th July 2015 at St.Laurns Hotel, Shirdi Maharashtra.

173.Lecture on “Male Infertility – Where are we” in a CME on Fertility Crossing Hurdles organized by Pratiksha Hospital under aegis of AOGS, IFS & GOGS on 26th July 2015 at Club Patio, South City I Gurgaon.

174.Lecture on “Is IVF for ALL” at Master Class on Infertility organized by BMJ on 27th June 2015 at Kolkata.

175.Lecture on “Avoiding common errors while treating infertility” at Master Class on Infertility organized by BMJ on 25th June 2015 at Mumbai.

176.Lecture on “Individualized stimulation protocols – Clinical Aspects” at the scientific programme for 12th ART update on 6th – 7th June at KandaghatSolan.

177.Lecture on “GnRH Antagonist protocol in Normo-responders: Indian Experience” at Fertility Expert Input Forum held in Mumbai on 17th May 201 at the Ramada Hotel (Pawai) in the Embassy Hall.

178.Lecture on “Recurrent Implantation Failure- Remedies “at ISAR 2015 – 20th National Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction on 10th – 12th April 2015 at Sri Ramchanra Medical College, Chennai.

179.Guest lecture on ‘Tips of infertility treatment for gynecologists’ at “Infertility overview for practicing gynecologist”, update at India Habitat centre under the ageis of IFS and infertility committee AOGD, organized by Ridge IVF Dr. Gauri, on 29th of March 2015, New Delhi.

180.Lecture on “PCOS and Infertility” on in CME “Infertility Update 2015” organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Fertility society on 22nd March 2015 (UP Chapter) Bareilly.

181.Lecture on “Legal issues in ART” on 22nd March 2015 in CME “Infertility Update 2015” organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Fertility society on 22nd March 2015 Bareilly.

182.Lecture on “PCOS: Is there a best protocol in ART? What are the various evidences?” on 20th December, 2014 at FERTIVISION 2014 in Pune.

183.Lecture on “Cost effectiveness of rFSH in ART: The Clinician’s perspective” in a Symposia on Recombinant: The next generation drugs in ART on 20th December, 2014 at Pune.

184.Lecture on “The embryo and the endometrium: improving the dialogue” on 13th December, 2014 at ISAR UP Chapter conference 2014.

185.Lecture on “Review of the standard protocols for COS, alternative COS protocols and individualized treatments in ART” in ICOS Scientific Advisory Board Meeting at Mumbai on 23rd November 2014.

186.Lecture on “Individualized Controlled Ovarian Stimulation” in FEM (Fertility Enhancement Management) on 22nd Nov, 2014 at Mumbai.

187.Lecture on “Fertility Enhancing Endoscopic Surgeries” and “Factors affecting outcome of IUI” in Infertility Update at Kolkata on 15th November 2014.

188.Lecture on “Trouble Shooting in IVF” at 36th Annual Conference of AOGD at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 25th October, 2014.

189.Lecture on “Luteal phase support” at International Conference on Reproduction, Fertility & Surrogacy under the aegis of Gynaecological Endocrine Society of India at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi on 25th May 2014.

190.Lecture on “Premature Ovarian Failure – Diagnosis & Treatment” on 24th May 2014 at Inaugural CME on “An Update on Infertility” at Gurgaon.

191.Lecture on “Maximizing success with individualized ovulation induction protocols for ART” at 3rd KISAR Annual congress held from 2nd to 4th May 2014 at Bangalore.

192.Lecture on “Fertility Markers and AMH – A piece of the infertility puzzle” on 23rd March 2014 at the 3rd Annual CME of Clinical Biochemistry at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

193.Lecture on “Ovarian Reserve Markers” at ISAR 2014 in Scientific Program on 15th February 2014 at Ahmedabad.

194.Lecture on “Optimum Ovarian Stimulation for ART” in Scientific Program on 9th February 2014 at New Delhi.

195.Lecture on “GnRH Antagonist cycle -nuances” in Preconference in Reproductive Medicine (ICON 2013) on 6th December 2013 at Coimbatore.

196.Lecture on “Trouble shooting in an ART program in clinical aspects” in Preconference in Reproductive Medicine (ICON 2013) on 6th December 2013 at Coimbatore.

197.Lecture on “Sub-normal semen analysis- What next” at the FOCUS CME Visakhapatnam Novotel Varun Beach, on 17th November 2013 organized by Dr Rama Raju.

198.Lecture on “Ovarian stimulation protocols in women with unexplained infertility, endometriosis and polycystic ovaries” in 2nd Conference CUPART 2013 on 26th& 27th October, 2013 at Le Meridian, New Delhi under aegis of AOGD.

199.Lecture on “Pelvic Tuberculosis and Infertility” at Live workshop on Gyne Endoscopy (Advances 2013 Scientific Program) held at TajVivanta, Trivandrum on 31st August 2013.

200.Lecture on “Common Problems in Woman, Simple Solutions” at a CME in Farukhabad on 29th June 2013.

201.Lecture on “Endometriosis – From Diagnosis to Clinical Management: Are we improving the results” in a CME and workshop organized in Nagpur on 23rd June 2013.

202.Lecture on “Ovarian Stimulation Different Protocols” and “Ovarian Reserve” in IFS CME on 9th June 2013 at Bareilly.

203.Lecture on “Best OHSS Prevention strategy for PCOS, Standard agonist protocol with Coasting?”, “Antagonist protocol with ‘Agonist trigger’ in pre-congress workshop on “Unraveling the Indian PCOS” & “Why TORCH always appears in the Infertility workup?” at Chennai in Aspire India 2013 on 17- 19th May 2013.

204.Lecture on “Bariatric Surgery and its role in improvement of Fertility” in the Annual Conference of MP ISAR, MP IFS in collaboration with IOGS on 23rd and 24th March 2013 at Hotel Fortune Landmark in Indore.

205.Lecture on “Myomas: Impact on Fertility and ART” in the seminar on Myoma and Fertility Current Options and Emerging Strategies in association with IFS and AOGD on 17th March 2013 at Silver Oak Patio, India Habitat, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

206.Lecture on “Secrets of A.R.T success” & “Faculty in workshop of ART” in the 9th Conference of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Agra on 28th February to 3rd March 2013.

207.Lecture on “Stimulation protocols in poor ovarian response” in the 18th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technologies & Advances in Infertility Management at Rourkela from 15th – 17th February 2013.

208.Lecture on “Improving the efficacy of GnRh Agonist & Antagonists regimens” in CME on Gonadotropins in Infertility on 3rd February 2013 at Jaipur Golden Hospital, New Delhi.

209.Guest lecture on “Obesity & infertility”, 56th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Mumbai from 17-20 January 2013.

210.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction in IUI” and “Evaluation and Treatment of Low Responders in ART: A Challenge” in FERTIVISION 2012, 8th annual conference of Indian Fertility Society on 7th, 8th& 9th December 2012 at Hotel Indana Palace, Jodhpur.

211.Keynote lecture on “Is there an Optimum Ovarian Stimulation for IVF….?” in FERTIVISION 2012, 8th annual conference of Indian Fertility Society on 7th, 8th& 9th December 2012 at Hotel Indana Palace, Jodhpur.

212.Lecture on “Role & clinical evidence of LMWHs in APLA’s during pregnancy” in CME organized by elder pharmaceuticals at hotel Connaught on 19th November 2012 in Delhi.

213.Lecture on “Poor Endometrial Response” in the session of “Ovulation Induction-Challenges & solution” at 34th Annual Conference of AOGD in hotel Ashok Chanakyapuri, New Delhi on 17th& 18th November 2012.

214.Lecture on “OHSS free clinic” at the inaugural IFS UP Chapter on October 14th, 2012, in Hotel Clarks Avadh, Lucknow.

215.Lecture on ‘Recurrent implantation failure an enigma!’ At the 4th infertility update organized by IMA Janakpuri branch under the aegis of IFS at Medico house IMA Janakpuri on 30th September 2012.

216.Lecture on ‘Recurrent pregnancy loss’ organized by Dr. Rekha Mehra for west Delhi IMA on 19th Sept 2012

217.Lecture on “An evaluation of luteal phase protocols in GnRH agonist/antagonist cycles” at the World Congress on ‘Ovulation Induction and Ovarian stimulation protocols’ held at Radisson Blu Resort, Goa from 12th to 15th September 2012.

218.Lecture on “Recurrent Implantation failure” at Ferticon – 2012 on “Challenges in Imaging, Endoscopy & ART” organized by KJIVF & Laparoscopy Centre, Delhi under the aegis of IFS & AOGD on 26th August 2012 at Russian Cultural Centre, Delhi.

219.Lecture on “ICSI in non-obstructive azoospermia” in the 8th ART Update- Refresher Course for Level 2 & 3 Infertility Management on 2nd and 3rd June, 2012 at Resort Kasauli.

220.Lecture on “assessment of endometrial receptivity” in the 8th ART Update- Refresher Course for Level 2 & 3 Infertility Management on 2nd and 3rd June, 2012 at Resort Kasauli.

221.Lecture on “Disordered endometrial function in Endometriosis” at 1st annual conference of Maharashtra Chapter of ISAR in a scientific program on 9th& 10th June 2012.

222.Lecture on “Should all patients of latent tuberculosis be treated” at the CME ‘Genital Tuberculosis the great debate point counterpoint’ organized by Dr. Sonia Mallik on 13th May, 2012.

223.Lecture on “Thyroid disorder &Hyperprolactinaemia in Infertility” held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, the 17th National conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) from 1st to 4th March 2012.

224.Lecture on “IUI with Gonadotropins” in the Conference on Fertility & ART organized by BLK hospital in Hotel Jaypee Siddhartha on 11th& 12th February 2012.

225.Lecture on “Natural cycle/ Mild stimulation in women with poor ovarian reserve/oocyte donors” at Bengaluru in International Congress on ‘Optimizing ART Outcome – through Individualized Protocols’ held on 4th and 5th February 2012.

226.Lecture on “Role of ART in unexplained infertility” on 26th – 30th January 2012 in 55th annual AICOG 2012, Varanasi.

227.Lecture on “Role of LMWH in infertility” organized by Gurgaon Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society at GOGS annual day, at the club patio south city1, Gurgaon. 25th December 2011

228.Lecture on “Improving efficacy of GnRH agonist and antagonist regimens” in Fertivision 2011 the 7th Annual Conference of IFS, held at India Habitat New Delhi on 17th December 2011.

229.Lecture on “Ovulation induction in IUI – Newer Concepts” in Mata Chanan Devi Hospital, Janakpuri, and New Delhi at the pre-congress IUI workshop on 16th December 2011.

230.Lecture on “ART in viral infections” at Advanced Infertility Management Conference in association with MOGS organized by Dr. Nandita Palshetkar in Mumbai on 27th November 2011.

231.Lecture on “Spontaneous early First Trimester Pregnancy Loss – The identifiable culprits” at International Conference on “Preventing Pregnancy Wastage” at the Hilton Hotel ,Janakpuri, New Delhi on 30th October 2011.

232.Lecture on “Polycystic Ovarian Disease” at CUPART 2011 a conference on Current Practices and Recent Advances in ART under the aegis of AOGD in Hotel Le Meridian on 8th& 9th October, 2011.

233.Lecture on “LH supplementation” on 3rd infertility update 2011 at IMA Janakpuri on 18th September 2011.

234.Lecture on “Antagonists in IUI protocols” at a international congress – ‘IVF Lite’, held in Goa from 12th to 15th of August 2011

235.Lecture on ‘Antioxidants in Implantation’ at a conference on “Practical aspects in managing sub-fertility-dilemmas and decision making” on 15th July 2011 at Chennai.

236.Principal discussant on case of infertility case and OHSS at ‘Gurukul’ Sir Ganga Ram Hospital DNB Workshop on 10th July 2011.

237.Lecture on “Role of LMWH in IVF & early & recurrent abortions” at a clinical meeting on Pregnancy Wastage, held at Max Balaji Hospital on 7th June 2011.

238.Lecture on “Burden of Endometriosis in India” at CME on “demystifying Endometriosis” held at Hotel Lalit on 20th May 2011 organized by Astra Zeneca.

239.Lecture on “Ovarian stimulation – Can it be tailor made for each patient” and “Optimizing the results of IUI” at CME on Science behind controlled ovarian stimulation organized by Organon (MSD) on 28th April 2011 at hotel NICO New Delhi.

240.Lecture on “IUI practical tips” at 7th ART update held at Timber Trail Heights on 24th April 2011.

241.Lecture on “Oocyte donation/ sharing/ banking” at 7th ART update held at Timber Trail Heights on 24th April 2011. Keynote lecture on “Understanding down regulation” at ISAR 2011 held at Agra Jaypee Hotel on 6th March 2011.

242.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction in PCOS” at CME organized by Dehradun Obstetric &Gynaecological Society – 2010 at Dehradun on 27th February 2011.

243.Lecture on “ART for Endometriosis and Infertility” at CME organized by Dehradun Obstetric & Gynaecological Society – 2010 at Dehradun on 27th February 2011.

244.Lecture on “Dilemma in Genital Tuberculosis” at CME organized by Dehradun Obstetric & Gynaecological Society – 2010 at Dehradun on 27th February 2011.

245.Lecture on “Role of AMH in assessing ovarian reserve” at CME organized by Indian Fertility Society in association with Society for Clinical Excellence in Gynecology& Obstetrics (SCEGO) held on 20th February 2011.

246.Lecture on “Androgens – any place” at AICOG Conference 2011 pre-congress workshop on Infertility, held at Hyderabad on 5th January 2011.

247.Lecture on “Recurrent pregnancy loss in ART” at 4th World congress on Mild approaches in Assisted Reproduction Science city, Kolkata, held on 16th January 2010.

248.Keynote lecture on “Ovulation Induction” at Inaugural program of U.P. chapter of ISAR at Jaypee Hotel, AGRA on 26th December 2010.

249.Lecture on “Perinatal mortality and morbidity in ART multiple pregnancies” at FAOPS workshop on IVF & multiple pregnancy organized by Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction”, Dept. of Obs. & Gynae, SGRH on 14th December 2010.

250.Lecture on ‘Genital Tuberculosis’ at BOGSON 22nd annual conference of Bihar obstetric and gynaecological society at Patna Maurya on 3rd to 5th of December 2010.

251.Lecture on ‘Factors prognosticating IUI outcome’ at annual AOGD pre-congress ‘live workshop on IUI’ at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi on 29th October 2010

252.Lecture on “Factors prognosticating IUI outcome” at 32nd Annual conference of AOGD, Pre-congress workshop on IUI organized by Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction, SGRH on 29th October 2010.

253.Lecture on “IVF and Endometriosis” at CME on ‘Infertility management for practicing gynaecologists’ at Tagore Hall Ahmedabad, on 23rd and 24th October 2010.

254.Lecture on ‘AMH promises and pitfalls’ at the 2nd Infertility Update organized by IMA Janakpuri under the aegis of AOGD and IFS at IMA Janakpuri Medico House on the 26th Sept 2010.

255.Lecture on ‘Role of LH in Ovarian Stimulation: Concept of an LH window’ at the meeting for LH advisory board, organized by Merck Serono at hotel Trident, Mumbai on the 8th of August 2010.

256.Lecture on ‘Endometrial tuberculosis’ at 10th International Conference on Updating infertility, Obstetrics and Gynecology held at Madras Medical Mission, Chennai on 6th to 8th of August 2010.

257.Lecture on ‘Genital Tuberculosis in India’ at CME on Ubiquitous Pathogens-affecting human life’ organized by Clinical Reference Laboratory, Super Religare Laboratories, and IMA Gurgaon on 25th of September 2010 at hotel Crowne Plaza Gurgaon.

258.Lecture on ‘Tests for Ovarian reserve- their importance’, at national conference on endocrinology and infertility in Hotel Taj Land’s End, Mumbai organized by FOGSI and MOGS on the 30th may 2010.

259.Guest lecture on ‘Ovulation induction made easy’ at the Gynae club organized by IMA Janakpuri on 20th May 2010.

260.Guest lecture on ‘Optimizing IUI result’ at CME cum workshop held by Gwalior Obstetrics and Gynaecological society on ‘Intra Uterine Insemination’ on the 2nd of May 2010.

261.Lecture on ‘How old is old’ at the pre-congress workshop for annual congress of ISAR 2010 held at Cochin on the 9th of April 2010.

262.Lecture on ‘Growth Hormone’ at the annual congress of ISAR 2010 held at Cochin on the 10th of April 2010.

263.Lecture on ‘Role of GnRH antagonist in IUI’, at the CME ‘Gonadoptropins in infertility’ by Maulana Azad Medical College on 20th March 2010.

264.Keynote lecture on ‘Female androgen insufficiency’ in the 5thFertivision 2010 from 6th to 7th of February 2010.

265.Lecture on ‘Rediscovering Letrozole’, at pre-congress workshop at Gauhati AICOG National Congress 18th January 2010.

266.Lecture on ‘hCG vs GnRH for ovulation induction’, at pre-congress workshop at Gauhati AICOG National Congress 18th January 2010.

267.Lecture on ‘Role of GnRH analogues in Endometriosis’, at ‘The ovary Unraveled 2009’ held at renaissance Mumbai organized by Dr. Sadhana Desai under the aegis of MOGS and ISAR on the12th and 13th of December 2009.

268.Lecture on ‘Newer concepts in ovulation induction’ at Calicut organized by MIMS CRAFT Institute on 9th August 2009.

269.Guest lecture on ‘Indication of IUI and ovulation induction’ at IUI workshop held at MAMC auditorium on 9th October 2009.

270.Guest lecture ‘Ovulation induction in day-to-day practice’ at Ambala organized by Vardhman hospital on 4thof October 2009.

271.Guest lecture ‘When to stop infertility treatment’’ at ‘Advances 2009 at the 10th annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club in Trivandrum Taj Residency from 11th to 13th September 2009.

272.Lecture on ‘Role of CC in PCOD’ organized by IMA Janakpuri under the aegis of AOGD on 6th September 2009.

273.Guest lecture ‘Changing concepts on luteal support’’ at ‘Advances 2009’ at the 10th annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club in Trivandrum Taj Residency from 11th to 13th September 2009.

274.Lecture on ‘Insulin Resistance, the Metabolic Syndrome and PCOS’ at international Congress Cutting Edge 2009 Bangalore on 30th to 31st May 2009.

275.Lecture on “Stimulation Protocols for Poor Responders” at ISAR 2009 held at Hotel Le Meridien, Pune on 29th Jan till 1st Feb 2009.

276.Lecture on “How and When to use Gonadotropins” at 52nd AICOG 2009 held at Jaipur on 4-8th January 2009.

277.Guest lecture on “Reproductive Ageing” at Fertivision 2008, 4th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility Society held on 13 – 14 December 2008, at Chandigarh.

278.Guest lecture on ‘Endometrial receptivity’ at3rd World congress on Practical infertility Management & human Reproduction, organized by MOGS, ISAR, Lilavati Hospital IVF centre at hotel Taj Land’s End Mumbai from 21st to 23rd November 2008.

279.Guest lecture on ‘Health Hazards in Women in PCOS’ at gyn update organized by Delhi Medical Association at DMA house Darya Ganj on 22nd November 2008.

280.Guest lecture on ‘Ovulation Induction Protocols’ at North Delhi Obstetrics and Gynecology forum, at Saroj hospital and heart Institute on 20th November 2008.

281.Guest lecture on ‘Ovulation induction in Day-to-Day Practice’, at CME on Infertility, held at Patna on 19th October 2008.

282.Guest lecture on “Improving Success in IUI” at Hands on workshop on IUI’ held at Dr. Kuldeep Jains IVF centre on 21st September 2008.

283.Guest lecture on “Ovulation induction protocols and adjuvant drugs” at ‘Workshop on Infertility & recurrent Pregnancy Loss’, Level 1, at Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital Ghaziabad, on 14th September 2008.

284.Guest lecture ‘Oocyte Quality and Ovarian Stimulation methods in PCOS women’, at International congress on PCOS at Goa organized by Dr. Gautam Allahabadia held from 14th to 17th of August 2008.

285.Guest lecture on “Hormones and Ultrasonography in PCOS” at National Conference and live workshop on Ovulation Induction ART / IUI Vaginal and Minimal Access Surgery held at Jalandhar on 10th and 11th May 2008.

286.Guest lecture on “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and its Management” at Annual DMA meeting held at Bareilly on 27th April 2008.

287.Guest lecture on “Androgen excess in Reproduction” at International Fertility Congress held at Pune between 4- 6th April 2008.

288.Guest lecture on “Fertility preservation in young people with cancer” at ISAR – 13th National Congress on ART and advances in Infertility Management held at Bhubaneshwar between 28 – 30th March 2008.

289.Guest lecture on “Ovarian ageing and Fertility” at CME on Infertility at Savoy Suits, Noida on 20th March 2008.

290.Guest lecture on “Hyper-prolactenemia” at ISSRF 2008 at symposium on Recent Trends in Reproductive Health Research organized by Duccan College of Medical Sciences from 20th and 22nd February2008 at Hyderabad.

291.Guest lecture on “Hyper-prolactenemia” at 51st AICOG at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi on 1st to 4thFebruary 2008.

292.Guest lecture on “Legal issues in IUI & semen banking” at 3rd medical legal conference at Pune, organized by FOGSI on 7th October 2007.

293.Guest lecture on “Ovulation induction in day-to-day practice” at Nagpur on 2nd Sept 2007 organized by IFS (Nagpur chapter).

294.Guest lecture on “Endometrial receptivity in Endometriosis” at North zone ISAR Theme conference on ‘Endometrium’, organized by Dr. Nalini Mahajan on 19th August, 2007.

295.Guest lecture (Video Presentation) on “Fertility promoting endoscopic surgery” at Jaipur Golden Hospital on 15th July 2007.

296.Guest lecture on “Ovulation Induction in difficult cases” at Gynae club meeting infertility update organized by Dr. Rekha Mehra, Banquet Hall, New Delhi.

297.Guest lecture on “Luteal Support” at CME at Noida Society of Obst & Gynae (Under the aegis of infertility subcommittee of AOGD, January 2007.

298.Guest lecture on “Health implications in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome” at the 25th annual conference by IMA Delhi North Zone in Collaboration with Delhi Heart & Lung Institute at Hotel Asia Pacific, on 14th Jan. 2007.

299.Guest lecture on ‘Induction of Ovulation in day-to-day practice’ at the clinical meeting of North Delhi Obstetrics and Gynecology Study Group at Sunder Lal Jain Charitable Hospital on 11th Jan. 2007.

300.Guest lecture on “Luteal phase support” at the18th state congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology hosted by Kanpur obstetrics and gynecology Society on 24th of Nov.2006.

301.Guest lecture on “Hormonal evaluation in infertility and hyper-prolactinaemia” at the 18th state congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology hosted by Kanpur obstetrics and gynecology Society on 24th of Nov.2006.

302.Guest lecture on “Hyper-prolactinaemia and infertility” at the 28th annual conference of AOGD at Hotel Le Meridian New Delhi organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Lady Harding Medical College, from 18th to 19th of Nov. 2006.

303.Lecture on “Outcome of ART pregnancies”, at the 4th world congress on Peri-natal Medicine for developing countries held at the Mughal Sheraton Agra hosted by the Agra Obstetrical and gynecological society, from the 29th of Sept to 1st of OCT 2006.

304.Guest lecture on “Ovulation induction- common problems on day-to-day practice” at a CME under the aegis of infertility subcommittee of AOGD organized by the Gurgaon Obstetrical and Gynaecological society held at hotel Chaupal, Gurgaon on 7th of September 2006.

305.Guest lecture on “Beyond clomiphene what next”, at the annual CME of NOIDA Obstetrical and Gynaecological society held at hotel Radisson, NOIDA on 27th of Aug 2006.

306.Guest lecture on “Oocyte Retrieval and Embryo Transfer” at the CME in infertility held at the Delhi Chapter of IFUMB on 30th July 2006 at SGRH.

307.Guest lecture on “Ovulation induction and factors determining success of IUI” at FOGSI IAEC Workshop on IUI, at West Delhi Zone at Mela Banquet Hall New Delhi, on 27th July 2006.

308.Guest lecture on “Medical management of PID” to celebrate the world health day at SGRH on 7th of April 2006.

309.Guest lecture on “Management of OHSS” at the 11th National congress on ART and Advances in Infertility Management at Bangalore organized by ISAR from 24th to 25th of Feb. 2006.

310.Guest lecture on “Androgen excess” at Infertility update 2005, organized by the Department of IVF Sir Ganga Ram Hospital at India habitat Centre on 23rd of Jan.2005.

311.Guest lecture on “Hyper androgenic State in Reproductive Life” at workshop & CME on Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Infertility, organized by R&R Army Hospital New Delhi, held on 31st Oct 2004.

312.Guest lecture on “Progesterone in obstetrics natural versus synthetic” at gynecology update organized by IMA Janakpuri New Delhi at the Air force auditorium Subrato Park New Delhi on 12th Sept. 2004.

313.Guest lecture on “Two cell two gonadotropin theory” at Hotel Grand Intercontinental New Delhi, organized by Organon India on 5th September 2004.

314.Guest lecture on “Hirsutism and Androgen Excess” at 2ndobsGyn, Infertility and Ultrasound Update at the Ian Donald Certificate Course Held at Agra from The 20th to 22nd August 2004.

315.Guest lecture on “Beyond Clomiphene –What next” at symposium cum workshop on Advanced Infertility Management organized by KJIVF & Laparoscopy centre Delhi on 11th July 2004.

316.Guest lecture on “Stem cells and Obstetrics and Gynecology” at North Zone Yuva FOGSI annual conference organized by Faridabad Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society held at Faridabad on 11thApril 2004.

317.Guest lecture on “Is there a place for Antagonist in all indications of ART?” at the 10th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and Advances in infertility Management ‘ISAR’ held at Jodhpur from Feb. 13th to 15th 2004.

318.Guest lecture on “Endometriosis and Infertility role of GnRH analogues” at symposium organized by AstraZeneca at Hotel Taj Palace New Delhi on 11th Feb 2004.

319.Guest lecture on “Down regulation -what and how?” at AICOG 2004 47th all India Congress of obstetrics and Gynecology held at Agra India from 6th to 9th Jan. 2004.

320.Guest lecture on “Androgen excess and reproduction” at CME on ‘Infertility Update 2003’ organized by Madhu raj Advanced Infertility Centre on 7th Dec. 2003 at Madhu raj Hospital, Kanpur.

321.Guest lecture “Corpus luteum Defect” on Sept 25th, 2003, at Gurgaon Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society Gurgaon.

322.Guest lecture on “Management of DUB” at the CME 2003 “Newer Milestones in management of Obstetrical &Gynaecological Problems”, held at Saharanpur on 7th of Sept.2003.

323.Guest lecture on “Management of PCOD” at the CME 2003 “Newer Milestones in management of Obstetrical &Gynaecological Problems”, held at Saharanpur on 7th of Sept.2003.

324.Guest lecture “Ovulation induction in day-to-day practice” at Jindal Hospital and Nursing Home Meerut on 18th of August 2003.

325.Guest lecture “Hyper-insulin and Polycystic Ovarian Disease” at Jindal Hospital and Nursing Home Meerut on 18th of August 2003.

326.Guest lecture on “ART When to offer” At Infertility Update 2003 Ahmedabad organized by Melbourne IVF Gujrat on 14th and 15th June 2003.

327.Guest lecture on “An approach to IVF”, at Sanjeevan Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi on 25th May 2003.

328.Guest lecture on “Male infertility” at the annual conference Indian Section North Zone held at Hotel Gold Palace Resorts Jaipur from 12 to 15 April 2003.

329.Guest lecture on “Assisted Reproductive Technologies” at CME 2003 organized by IMA Hapur on 30th March 2003.

330.Guest lecture on “Approach to Male infertility” at the Pre congress workshop at (AICOG 2003) at the 46th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology held at Bangalore 2003 Jan 6th to 9th.

331.Lecture on “Hydro-salpinges and its impact on infertility” at the 4th Indian Congress on Gynaecologic Endoscopy, Infertility and ART held from 19 to 22nd Dec. 2002 Umaid Bhawan Palace Jodhpur.

332.Guest lecture on “Unexplained infertility” on 28th Dec 2002 in the Annual Academic conference of Indian Medical Association Academia 2002, New Delhi.

333.Guest lecture on “Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection” at the 24th Annual Conference of AOGD held from 30th Nov to 1st Dec.2002.

334.Guest lecture on “Application of ultrasound in infertility and ART” in the workshop on Trans-vaginal Ultrasound In infertility & gynaecology, of 6th World Congress and 14th Indian conference on reproductive & child Health Care on 23rd Sept 2002.

335.Guest lecture on “Ethical issues in ART” at the 6th World Congress and 14th Indian Conference on reproductive & Child Health Care held at Taj Palace Hotel New Delhi, from 20 to 22nd Sept 2002.

336.Invited lecture on “Assisted Reproductive techniques” at the 5th practical course in Obstetrics and Gynecology organized by Maulana Azad Medical College from 9th to 11th August 2002.

337.Guest lecture on “Day to Day ovulation induction and ART” at Annual CME on 15th Sept 2002 organized by Noida Obstetrics and Gynaecological society at NOIDA.

338.Guest lecture on “Role of Tranexamic Acid in DUB and Surgery” organized by Medical communications Network on 21st July 2002 at Hotel Park New Delhi.

339.Guest lecture on “Approach to a woman as a surgical patient” in Art of Surgery organized by Sir Ganga Ram hospital. In May 2002.

340.Guest lecture on “Fertility Issues in Premature Ovarian Failure” at an Update of Menopause –New Horizons, organized by the department of obstetrics and Gynecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on the 5th of April 2002, New Delhi.

341.Guest lecture on “Logical Answers to Common Problems in Infertility Management” at the annual CME organized by the Indian Medical Association of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, on the 10th of March 2002.

342.Guest lecture on “Ovulation Induction In Day to Day Practice” at CME held at Jodhpur Fertility Centre, organized by Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society of Jodhpur on 9th to 10th of March, Rajasthan 2002.

343.Guest lecture on “Investigations of Infertility and IVF” on 24th Feb 2002 at a meeting organized by the Homeopathic Association of Delhi, New Delhi.

344.Guest lecture “Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection” at CME held at Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi’ ON 15th of Dec. 2001.

345.Guest lecture on “In Vitro Fertilization” and workshop on “hysteroscopy in infertility”, at the first conference held at Jammu and Kashmir by the Medical college and Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist of J & K on the 6th and 7th of October 2001.

346.Guest lecture on “Changing concepts in Endometriosis and infertility” at FOGSI’s catch’em young Conference held at Agra on 21st and 22nd of July 2001.

347.Guest lecture on ‘Myoma & Infertility” – “Should we remove myoma in infertile women?” at the 7h International Congress on “Assisted Reproduction Technology & Advances in Infertility Management” under the auspices of ISAR at Guwahati from 16th to 18 Feb. 2001.

348.Guest lecture on “Androgen Excess” at the symposium on “Endocrinology of Infertility” at FOGSI 44th Annual All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology held at Ahmedabad from 27th to 30th December 2000.

349.Guest lecture on “Management of OHSS” at a workshop & CME on “Controversies in Obstetrics & Gynaecology” organized by Research & Referral Army Hospital New Delhi from 24h Nov. to 26h Nov. 2000.

350.Guest lecture on “Step up and Step-down Protocol in COH” at “ART in Y2K”, the International Conference on Infertility and ART, Goa from 5th to 8th Oct. 2000.

351.Guest lecture on ‘Intra uterine insemination’ at ART in Y2K” the “International Conference on Infertility and ART” from 5h Oct. to 8th Oct. 2000 in Goa.

352.Guest lecture on “Micro Manipulation techniques” at the 10th Annual Conference at Lady Harding Medical College from 19th to 20th August 2000.

353.Guest lecture on “Ovulation Induction in Day-to-Day Practice” at Gurgaon Medical Association organized by lNFAR on 25th July 2000.

354.Guest lecture on “Intra Uterine Insemination” at the 2ndlndo-Singapore Obstetrics, Gynaecology& Ultrasound Millennium update 2000 course held from 29th to 30’ July 2000, at AGRA under the auspices of AOFOG & FOGSI imaging scientific Committee.

355.Guest lecture on “Logical Answers to Common Problems on Obstetrics & Gynaecology” at the Annual Conference of the Indian Medical Association of Saharanpur on the 5th of March 2000.
356.Lecture on “Hysteroscopy in Infertility” on 31st March 2000 at Endoscopy workshop held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi.

357.Guest lecture on “Surgical vs. Medical management in Ectopic Pregnancy” in the 6th international Congress on “Assisted Reproduction Technology and advances in infertility management from 11th to 13th February 2000.

358.Guest lecture on “GNRH Antagonist” at a scientific session on “GnRH analogues” on the 21st Annual Conference at AOGD held from 23rd to 24th October 1999, New Delhi

359.Lecture on “Lessons Learnt” – IVF experience at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital 1991- 1999 in the AOGD meeting at SGRH on 31st March 1999.

360.Lecture on “Ovulation Induction in the Difficult Patient” held at India International Centre, New Delhi organized by Nu Tech Medi-world, on 14th March 1999 in a seminar on Human Reproduction & Recent Advances in ART.

361.Lecture on “Techniques of IVF” on 14th of November 1998 at Kanpur organized by IMA. Ob & Gynae. Society.

362.Lecture on “Newer Techniques in Assisted Reproduction” at Update in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Maulana Azad Medical Collage on 2nd February 1998.

363.Lecture on “Induction of Ovulation”, at Noble Hospital, Faridabad on 18th July 1997.

364.Guest Lecture on “Procedure and technique of IUI” held at an Update on IUI in Lady Harding Medical College on 21st April 1997.

365.Lecture on “Role of Gonadotropins in Induction of Ovulation” at the first inaugural Congress of Association of Madhya Pradesh Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AMPOG) on the 13th of July 1997.

366.Lecture on “Principles and Technique of IVF” in CME held at IMA Hall, New Delhi under the auspices of AOGD on 8th April 1995.

367.Guest lecture on “Induction of Ovulation” at the IUI Symposium held in the University College of Medical Sciences on the celebration of Silver Jubilee year of UCMS and GTB Hospital, New Delhi on 28th October 1995.

368.Lecture on “Analysis of First 50 IVF pregnancies” at the IVF Centre, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital at AOGD Meeting for the year 1994 held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi in May 1994.

369.Lecture on “Assisted Reproduction” at the third International Multi-faculty Medical Conference held at Pragati Maidan 7th-10th December 1994, New Delhi.

Sessions chaired

1.Chaired AD Engineer Oration delivered by Dr Amit Patki on the topic ‘Sperm DNA fragmentation; Is it a window to a man’s health’, at annual conference of Uttar Pradesh the 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 20th of April 2024.
2.Chaired the first session of the ART workshop held for annual conference of Uttar Pradesh the 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 19th of April 2024.
3.Chaired the sixth session of the ART workshop for annual conference of Uttar Pradesh for keynote addresses held for 35th UPCOG organised by Bareilly Obstetrics and Gynaecology society on 19th of April 2024.
4.Chaired a Plenary session on ‘Unexplained infertility how far should we look for a diagnosis’ by Jared Robins 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 9th of December 2023.
5.Expert at a webinar organised by IFS SIG Holistic Medicine and Chhattisgarh chapter, on holistic Approach to PCOS on the topic ‘Clearing Myths about PCOS’, by Dr. Shalini Chawla on July 28th 2023.
6.Chaired a session on the topic ‘New ART Bill 2021; What should we know’, at the CME organised by the DGF central and Delhi ISAR at Jaypee Siddharth hotel on 6th July 2023.
7.Chaired an international webinar organised by Wings Fertility Conclave; with the theme Selection of embryo hosted by Dr Jayesh Amin on 28th April 2023 at 8.30 pm.
8.Chaired a session on ‘Tuberculosis diagnosis and management,’ at the auditorium SGRH organised under GRIPMER on 4th April 2023.
9.Chaired a session on ‘Celebrating women in ART”, on women’s day organised by copper surgical at Aerocity on 5th March 2023.
10.Chaired the presidential oration on ‘Environmental Changes – a Challenge to Reproductive Health’, at the 18th Annual Conference of the Indian Fertility society in Hyderabad at the convention Centre on 9th of December 2022.
11.Judge for slogan competition on the theme ‘Respectful Maternity Care’, in NARCHICON 2022, the 15th world congress, 23rd Indian conference and 28th annual conference (Delhi Chapter) at the Lalit Hotel, on 25th of September 2022.
12.Expert in the panel discussion on ‘Endometriosis & infertility’ organised by AOGD and DGFS on a digital platform supported by Bayers on 8th of October 2021
13.Chaired a lecture on the topic “FSH and LH deficiency in ART and management options” by Peter Humaidan organised on a digital platform by MERCK on 7.45 pm on 20th August 2021.
14.Chaired a session in International Conference ISSRF 21 for scientific session 6 on ‘Issues and Challenges in management of ART services during COVID 19 pandemic’ on a digital platform at 9.30 am on 6 pm 20th February 2021.

15.Expert for a session at ‘Dilemmas in infertility management: To operate or not to operate’ organised by the special Interest Group Endoscopy of Indian Fertility Society on a zoom platform in a webinar at10.30 am on the 13th of September 2020.

16.Expert for ‘Question Answer Round with Audience on Endometriosis’ at the 26th Annual NARCHI Preconference Workshop on Infertility organized by NARCHI DELHI, held on 22nd November 2019 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

17.Chaired a session on ‘Use of Heparin in Infertility’ at 31st Annual Conference UP chapter of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UPCOG 2019 organized by Varanasi Obstetric & Gynaecological Society from 15th to 17th November 2019 at Hotel Ramada, Plaza JHV, Varanasi.

18.Judge at the free paper session at the STAR Endo-gyn Conclave at Coimbatore with Endo-insight Infertility conference held at ‘The Residency Towers’ organized by Rao Hospital Coimbatore on 20th October 2019.

19.Chaired a session at the STAR Endo-gyn Conclave at Coimbatore with Endo-insight Infertility conference held at ‘The Residency Towers’ organized by Rao Hospital Coimbatore on 20th October 2019.

20.Chaired a session on ‘Seed to Soil’ and ‘Hot Debates’ in YUVA ISAR 2019 at Taj Hotel, Convention Centre Agra on 16th – 18th August 2019.

21.Chaired a session on ‘Time to Live Birth (TTLB) as new outcome measure in ART and with focus on optimising the ovarian response to reduce TTLB’ in ALIVE Conference at The Park Hotel, New Delhi on 1st August 2019.

22.Chaired a session on ‘Secret recipe for running a successful IVF centre’ at FOGSI- Infertility Update 2018 on 29th July 2018 at Surat.

23.Chaired the Merck Serono session for lecture by Dr. Klaus Buhler from Germany on ‘Does time to pregnancy matter’ at the 23rd ISAR annual conference held at Kolkata Science city from 20th to 22nd April 2018.

24.Chaired a session on “OHSS” in Gurukul Classes on 20th December 2017 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

25.Chaired the presidential oration on ‘Are we able to optimize assisted reproductive technology in India’ at the annual conference Fertivision 2017 organized by Indian fertility society New Delhi at Hotel Pullman Aerocity on the 9th of December 2017

26.Judge to assess free paper presentation on original research at the annual conference Fertivision 2017 organized by Indian fertility society New Delhi at Hotel Pullman Aerocity on the 9th of December 2

27.Chaired a session on ’10 features of a great infertility unit’ at the Resolve Infertility 2017- Hands on workshop on Infertility & International Conference on Infertility related issues in association with BSOG & IMA held in Smrithi & Stuthi Auditorium at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, on 9th July 2017.

28.Expert on session ‘Role of counseling in ART ‘sperm and oocyte donation, surrogacy and negative beta hCG’, at the 14th ART update held in Glen View hotel at Kausali on 27th and 28th May 2017 organized by Dr. Umesh Jindal.

29.Chaired a session on debates ‘PGD vs CVS for known genetic disorders, and trans-abdominal vs trans-vaginal cerclage’ at the 14th ART update held in Glen View hotel at Kausali on 27th and 28th May 2017 organized by Dr. Umesh Jindal

30.Chaired a session on “Looking into the Outcomes of ART” in FERTIVISION 2016 on 10th December 2016 at Indira Gandhi Pratisthan, Gomti Nagar Lucknow.

31.Chaired a session on “Trilogy 13: Premature Ovarian Failure” and on “Mitochondria Transfer” on 25th September 2016 in 22nd IFFS World Congress 2016

32.Chaired a session for symposium on “Gestational Diabetes: Long Term Implications for Mother and Baby. Can Nutrition Help?” Organized by Nutricia Research, at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi on 4th September 2016.

33.Chaired a session on “IFFS Symposium” at FERTIVISION 2015, 11th Annual National Conference of the Indian Fertility Society on 4th – 6th December 2015 at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi.

34.Chaired a session on “Fertility Preservation Techniques” at FERTIPROTECT-2, the second annual conference of the “Fertility Preservation Society (India)” at the Silver Oak, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi held on 26th& 27th September 2015.

35.Chaired a session on “Time lapse monitoring – will it improve the embryo selection” at the scientific program for 12th ART update on 6th – 7th June 2015 at Kandaghat Solan.

36.Chaired a session on “Ovulation Induction, IUI and USG in Infertility” at ISAR 2015 – 20th National Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction on 10th – 12th April 2015 at Sri Ramchanra Medical College, Chennai.

37.Chaired a session on “Microarray in Prenatal Diagnosis” and “New-born Screening- what is essential?” at CME on “Genetics in Obstetrics” organized by Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi on 10th -11th December 2014.

38.Chaired a session on “Non- Oncological reasons for Fertility Preservation” at Fertivision 2014 on 6th& 7th September 2014 at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

39.Chaired a session on “Seed, Soil and Beyond –Indian perspective” at Fertivision 2013 on 7th December 2013 at New Delhi.

40.Chaired a session on “Role of genetics in the management of sub-fertile couples (Karyotyping, micro deletion of Y chromosomes use of donor gametes), Current status of PGD how does it influence the ART outcome- The Indian scenarios, Ovarian reserve tests, how reliable and useful, Can we do anything to improve outcome in poor responders” in the 13th International Conference on “What is new in Sub – Fertility, Obstetrics &Gynaecology” at Chennai from 7th – 11th August, 2013.

41.Chaired a session on “Grey areas in infertility management” in Aspire India 2013 at Chennai from 17th – 19th May 2013.

42.Chaired as session on “Keynote address: ART” in 9th Conference of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics &Gynaecology in Agra on 28th February to 3rd March 2013.

43.Chaired as session on “Keynote address: ART Fertilization to Implantation” in the World Congress BCGIP, India & 2nd Annual Congress of Society of Fetal Medicine in New Delhi on 16 November 2012.

44.Chaired a session on “Recurrent Implantation Failure- an Enigma” in the 4th Infertility update 2012 under the Aegis of IFS at Janakpuri, New Delhi.

45.Chaired a session on “Endometriosis Management” on 24th March 2012 in New Delhi organized by Abott India Limited.

46.Chaired a session on “Ovarian Stimulation and Endometrial Receptivity” for the 1st annual conference of Maharashtra Chapter of ISAR in association with Ruby Hall IVF & Endoscopy Centre held in Pune on 9th and 10th June 2012 at Hotel Le Meridien.

47.Chaired a session on “Selection of cases of IVF and unexplained infertility” in the 8th ART Update on 2nd and 3rd June 2012 at Kasauli.

48.Chaired a session on “Improving efficacy of GnRH agonist and antagonist regimens” at 7th Annual IFS Conference at India Habitat centre on 17th December 2011.

49.Chaired a session on “Post Graduate Quiz on Reproductive Endocrinology” at 23rd annual conference of UPCON OBGYN of India at Agra on 19th November 2011.

50.Judged a BSVL competitive video film festival in IVF Lite, Goa on 14th August 2011.

51.Chaired a session at a conference on “Practical aspects in managing sub-fertility-dilemmas and decision making” on 15th July 2011 at Chennai.

52.Chaired a session on “IUI” at 7th ART update held at Timber trail Heights on 24th April 2011.

53.Chaired a session on “Safety and tolerance of GI drugs in pregnancy” at CME on “GI disorders in pregnancy organized by department of gastroenterology, SGRH on 9th April 2011.

54.Chaired a session on “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Infertility and the metabolic syndrome” at CME symposium on Women and Obesity – A difficult Marriage, held at SGRH on 7th April 2011.

55.Chaired a lecture on “Beauty and Health” at 2nd Annual CME for general practitioners held on 19th December 2010 at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

56.Chaired keynote Speech on ‘Perinatal outcome following ART pregnancies’ by Dr. Peter Sjoblom 10th at International Conference on Updating infertility, Obstetrics and Gynaecology held at Madras Medical Mission, Chennai on 6th to 8th of August 2010.

57.Chaired a session on ‘Heparin in infertility’ organized by South end fertility and IVF Centre at Hotel Parkland on 22nd May 2010.

58.Chaired a session ‘Pituitary gonadotropins-cause of infertility’ at Sunder lal Jain Charitable Hospital on 13th august 2009.

59.Chaired a session on ‘Assisted Reproductive Technologies’ by Dr. Ameet Patkiat India habitat centre organized by Solvay pharma India Ltd on18th July 2009.

60.Chaired a session on ‘Introduction to Vitrification technology’ at ‘live workshop on Vitrification’ on 2nd Feb.2009 organized by R&R Army hospital New Delhi.

61.Chaired a session on ‘ART and Endometriosis’ at Fertivision, 4th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility Society 2008, at Chandigarh held from 13th to 14th Dec 2008.

62.Chaired a scientific session on ‘A Life of PCOS, by Prof Homburg held at Hotel Siddhartha Palace by Bharat serum and Vaccines Ltd on 11th Dec 2008.

63.Chaired a session on ‘First trimester downs screening in IVF pregnancies in Finland’ at conference at AIIMS on conference on prenatal diagnosis on 16th November 2008.

64.Chaired a session on “Reproductive Endocrinology” at 30th Annual Conference of AOGD at Hotel Taj Palace on 8th and 9th November 2008.

65.Chaired a CME on “Role of Antioxidants in female infertility” held at Hotel Claridges on 1st October 2008, New Delhi

66.Chaired a session on “Reproductive Endocrinology” at Indian Menopausal Society International Congress at Park Royal, Delhi between 18 – 20th April 2008.

67.Chaired a session for congress oration on ‘Obesity and Assisted conception’ by Richard Fleming at International Fertility congress held at Pune on 4-6th April 2008.

68.Chaired a ‘video session on endoscopy’ at ISAR 5th and 6th Feb 2007 Chandigarh on endoscopy and infertility.

69.Chaired a session on “Challenges in COH” by Dr. JN Hugues on 24th January 2007, New Delhi, organized by Serono and Serum Institute.

70.Chaired a session on “Newer Developments in infertility” at AICOG 2007, golden Jubilee celebration, by FOGSI and Bengal Obstetric and Gynaecological societies of India, held at Kolkata between 6th and 9th Jan 2007.

71.Chaired and judged a session on Free communication session 5 at AICC-RCOG North Zone National Annual Conference 2005 held at Hotel Grand by Apollo hospital from 5th to 6th March 2005.

72.Chaired a symposium on “Innovations in ART” at ISAR 2005 International Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology & advances in Infertility Management, held from 24-27th Feb 2005 at Mumbai.

73.Chaired a lecture by Peter Brinsdon on “Role of Crinone on luteal support in ART” sponsored by Serum Institute of India held at Le Meridian on 16th of Feb 2005.

74.Annual CME by AICC RCOG North Zone on evidence-based problem solving in obstetrics and gynaecology practice on 5th September 2004 at Indra Prastha Apollo hospital. Session chaired: “Evidence Based Problem solving in infertility & feto-maternal Medicine on Obstetric Management”.

75.13th Annual conference of USCON 13th Feb.2004 at Grand Intercontinental Hotel New Delhi. Chaired session on “Toshiba Video Sessions and case discussions on infertility”.

76.Chaired a guest lecture session on “Tuberculosis and Infertility” at the 10th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and Advances in infertility Management held at Jodhpur from Feb. 13th to 15th 2004.

77.Chaired session on “Comparative study of Letrozole & Clomiphene citrate for ovulation induction” at North Zone India AICC-RCOG annual conference held at Indra-Prastha Apollo Hospitals on 31st August 2003. Special seminar on awareness, detection and management of breast cancer held on 14th Dec. 2003 by Pfizer oncology at hotel Le Meridian New Delhi.

78.Chaired the “Infertility Endoscopic Session” at AGYES 2003 held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on 1st to 2nd March 2003.

79.Chaired session at Workshop & CME on “Newer Trends in Obstetrics and

80.Gynaecology” organized by R & R Army Hospital Delhi Cantt from 25th to 27th Oct 2002.

Panel Discussions

1.Panelist at a panel discussion on the topic ‘importance of KPIs in fertility treatment’, at the fertility conclave organised by ET Health World, at crown plaza Gurugram on the 16th of march 2024.
2.Panelist at a panel discussion on the topic ‘Add on in the ART laboratory’, at the workshop on laboratory and ‘Clinical Add-ons in ART’, for the 19th Annual conference of Indian Fertility Society ‘Fertivision 2023’, on 8th of December 2023.
3.Panelist in a panel discussion on the topic ‘Trouble shooting in IVF cycles in Ovarian stimulation’, at a CME “ART: Honing Clinical Skills”, organised by LHMC and SIG early pregnancy IFS at LHMC on8th October 2023.
4.Panelist at a CME Legends talk on a panel discussion as rapid fire on various perspectives and nuances related to patient care in endometriosis and adenomyosis’, between IVF versus surgery organised by Sunrise Hospital at Hotel Hyatt regency on 23rd of July 2023.
5.Panelist for the topic ‘Future of IVF in India: Paradigm shift at the 4th India summit 2023 at an initiative by Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council (IHC) powered by BSV on 21st July 2023.
6.Panel expert on the topic ‘Management of PCOS’, at a symposium on ‘Ovarian factor in subfertility: challenges and solutions’, under the aegis of IFS UP(E)) chapter, held in Lucknow Hotel Clarks Awadh on 9th July 2023.
7.Conversation expert discussing on ‘Establishing practise in infertility and overcoming hurdles’, at a webinar organised by SIG Endoscopy, Indian Fertility Society, on Adenexal masses and Fertility & conversation discussion with an expert on 1st July 2023
8.Panelist on a panel discussion on the occasion of ‘World IVF Day’, organised by Indian fertility society on the topic of ‘Ethical issues in assisted reproductive technology’, at the Tamarind Hall India habitat centre on the 25th of July 2022
9.Panelist in a panel discussion on the occasion of the world IVF day, at a virtual conference organised by Bharat serum and vaccine and Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council (IHW council) on the topic ‘Lifestyle changes or genetic disorders- The reasons for rising infertility among the youth’, on the 25th of July 2022.
10.Discussant on a ‘Case for AZFc microdeletion’, in a conference organised by the Society of foetal medicine Delhi chapter and Indian fertility society titled ‘Genomic medicine and assisted reproduction changing scenarios’, the auditorium Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi on Sunday the 24th of July 2022.
11.Panelist in a panel discussion on ‘The Ever-Enigmatic endometrioses. organised by IAGE GEM Zonal North by Dr Malavika Sabharwal on the ZOOM digital platform on 26th of September 2021.
12.Moderator for a panel discussion on, ‘Optimizing intra uterine insemination: Facts and logistics in today’s fertility management’, with co-moderator Dr. Sangeeta Sharma at a digital platform for a CME organised by IFS Rajasthan chapter on 30th July 2021
13.Panelist at the panel on Instagram platform of Femina organised by BSV on the topic, ‘Catch essential conversation on IVF’ with co Panelist Dr Nayna Patel and Dr. Priya Bhave on the world IVF Day the 25th of July 2021.
14.Panelist at ‘INDIA IVF SUMMIT’ an initiative by IHW council and presented by BSV in the presence of the Governor of Telangana Dr.Tamilisai Sounderarajan with the CEO of IHC council Mr Kamal Narayan and the CEO of BSV Mr Sanjiv Nagagul and co- panellist Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, Nandita Palshetkar, Dr. Jaydeep Tank on the eve of world IVF day the 24th of July 2021.
15.Panelist on live Panel discussion on “COVID 19 and parenting”, to mark the celebration of doctors day, by HDFC bank east branch on the 1st of July 2021 at 2.30 pm and telecasted later on India Ahead Tata Sky 617 10 to 10.30 pm
16.Panelist on ‘Adolescent endometriosis and pain’ organised by AOGD on a digital platform on 22nd June 2021.
17.Panelist in a panel discussion ‘Endometriosis and pain’ to mark the endometriosis month organised by the joint efforts of Indian fertility Society and BSV on a digital platform at 5 pm on the 11th of March 2021.

18.Panel Discussion with Dr Shikha Sharma on role of ‘Nutrition in Infertility and IVF’ organised by ‘Nutriwel Health India’ on a digital platform on at 5.30 pm on 12th of February 2021.
19.Panel Discussion with Dr Shikha Sharma on role of ‘Nutrition in Infertility and IVF’ organised by ‘Nutriwel Health India’ on a digital platform on at 5.30 pm on 15th of January 2021.

20.Moderated a panel discussion on ‘ART complications’ with Dr Sangeeta as co-moderator at the 16th Annual Fertivision on a virtual platform organised by Dr Umesh Jindal under the aegis of Indian fertility society on the 4th to 6th December 2020.

21.Moderated a panel discussion on ‘ART pregnancy complications’ with Dr. Neeti as the co-moderator at the pre-congress workshop held for the 16th Annual Fertivision on a virtual platform organised by Dr Umesh Jindal under the aegis of Indian fertility society on the 29th of November 2020.

22.Moderated a panel discussion on ‘ART and COVID 19’ with Dr. Jayesh as co-moderator at the pre-congress workshop held for the 16th Annual Fertivision on a virtual platform organised by Dr Umesh Jindal under the aegis of Indian fertility society on the 29th November 2020.

23.Expert in a panel discussion on ‘Research methodology’ at a pre-congress workshop held for the 16th Annual Fertivision on a virtual platform organised by Dr Umesh Jindal under the aegis of Indian fertility society on the 29th November.

24.Judge for paper reading contest for the 42nd annual conference of AOGD and the first virtual conference on 26th of October 2020.

25.Panelist in a webinar organised by FOGSI Young Talent Promotion (YTP) committee with ISPAT and Genetics committee of FOGSI on the topic ‘Genetics in infertility’, on the 15th of October 2020.

26.Moderator for panel on ‘Recurrent pregnancy loss- how I treat’ at webinar organised by Dr Kuldeep Jain under the aegis of AOGD on the 23rd of August 2020.

27.Moderator for a panel discussion on ‘IUI the unanswered questions’ at a webinar CME ‘Seven days Seven scholars: A to Z of infertility every Friday’ organised by Rewari Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society on 31st of July 2020.

28.Panelist on world IVF Day recorded on the 12th July on the topic ‘COVID 19 and Fertility’, organised by Economic Times and Bharat Serum and Vaccines and broadcasted on 14th and 15th July 2020

29.Moderator for a panel discussion, ‘PCOS from adolescence to Midlife’ webinar under the aegis of AOGD on 28th of April 2020

30.Panellist at a CME ‘PCOS’, held at Maharaja Agrasen hospital auditorium on the 2020 organised by Origyn fertility & IVF by Dr. Rashmi on 18th of February.

31.Moderator to a session on ‘Dilemma’s in The Surrogacy Act’ at 31st Annual Conference UP chapter of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UPCOG 2019 organized by Varanasi Obstetric & Gynaecological Society from 15th to 17th November 2019 at Hotel Ramada, Plaza JHV, Varanasi.

32.Panellist on the session ‘Demystifying Endometriosis’, moderated By Dr Kunju Moideen at the STAR Endo-gyn Conclave at Coimbatore with Endo-insight Infertility conference held at ‘The Residency Towers’ organized by Rao Hospital Coimbatore on 20th October 2019.

33.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Endocrine disorders in Infertility’ in the AOGD Preconference workshop on Ovulation Induction and IUI on 26th September 2019.

34.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Emerging trends and newer strategies in laparoscopic endometriosis’ in SELSICON 2019, Gynae – Endoscopy Conference 2019 organized by Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and laparoscopic & General Surgery at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 13th September 2019.

35.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Endometriosis: the enigma, Endometriosis Management in Different Stages of Reproductive Life’ in a CME under aegis of DGF north, SIG endometriosis committee AOGD and DGES at Hotel City Park, Pritampura, Delhi on 17th May 2019.

36.Panelist for panel discussion on ‘Management of Ovarian Tumours in Pregnancy’ in Update in Oncology X- 2019, Controversies in Gynae Oncology, organized by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, on 4th& 5th May 2019 at Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi.

37.Panelist at the Delhi consensus session moderated by Dr. Mridubhashini organized by Merck Serono’s Initiative of educating specialist in Reproductive Medicine held at the Residency Hotel at Coimbatore on 28th April 2019.

38.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Male Infertility – Challenging issues’ at ‘SIFCON 2019’ held under the aegis of Indian Fertility Society at Hotel JW Marriott, Chandigarh on 21 April 2019.

39.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘interesting cases of endometriosis’, at a CME organized by Amritdhara my Hospital and HCOISAR at Karnal on 31st of March 2019.

40.Moderator for a panel on ‘Ovulation induction in different situations’, at CIIM (controversies in infertility management) at the Taj Coromandel at Chennai, organized by Prashanth fertility and research centre by Dr C. Geetha Haripriya on the 22nd and 23rd of December 2018.

41.Breakfast session on ‘IUI success’- from 5 to 25%’, at TAPISAR held at Selam State conference (Salem Chapter of TAPISAR SCOT) along with OGSOS (FOGSI), at Radisson hotel on 24th and 25th of November 2018.

42.Moderator for a panel on ‘SURROGACY ACT’, at the assisted reproduction workshop at 30th annual conference of UP, UPCOG, held at MLN Medical College Allahabad from 15th to17th November 2018.

43.Panelist for panel discussion on ‘Indian Vs Global Scenario, the clinical edge’ at the Fertility Conclave organized by Economic Times at The Claridge’s on the 26th of October 2018.

44.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘IUI When and How?’ at Central Delhi Gynecology Forum organized by Dr Jyoti Bali at hotel Siddhartha on25th October 2018.

45.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Optimising result in IUI- Gonadotropins and Techniques of IUI’ at FOGSI – Infertility Update 2018, organized by 21st century group of hospitals and SOGS, at Taj Gateway hotel on 29th July 2018 at Surat.

46.Panelist at a panel discussion on ‘Secret recipe for running a successful IVF centre’ at FOGSI – Infertility Update 2018, organized by 21st century group of hospitals and SOGS, at Taj Gateway hotel on 29th July 2018 at Surat.

47.Moderator for panel on ‘Endometrioma with Infertility’ at India International Centre at the joint meeting of AOGD endometriosis committee and FOGSI endometriosis committee on the 10th of June 2018 organised by Dr Renu Misra and Dr. Kuldeep Jain

48.Panelist at the Mankind session ‘Medical vs Surgical Management of Endometriosis’ on 5th May 2018 at Delhi.

49.Panelist at the Merck Serono session ‘Does time to pregnancy matter’ at the 23rd ISAR annual conference held at Kolkata Science city from 20th to 22nd April 2018.

50.Moderator at a session on ‘PCOS ovulation induction’ at a CME held at Karnal organized by Dr Jyoti Gupta 18th of March 2018.

51.Moderator to moderate a session on ‘LPD, PCOS, Gestational Diabetes, medical management of fibroids and endometriosis’ with members of advisory board, Mankind Pharma Limited on 18th March 2018, Delhi.

52.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Management of Ovulation Induction in PCOS’ in a CME on ‘Cracking the code of PCOS’ on 18th March 2018 at Karnal.

53.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Ovulation induction in PCOS’, at controversies in infertility management (CIIM) conference held in Chennai at the Grand Leela organized by Dr. Geetha Haripriya on 25th and 26th November 2017.

54.Panelist in ‘Current concepts in endometriosis management’ at controversies in infertility management (CIIM) conference held in Chennai at the Grand Leela organized by Dr. Geetha Haripriya on 25th and 26th November 2017.

55.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Optimizing IUI results’, at controversies in infertility management (CIIM) conference held in Chennai at the Grand Leela organized by Dr. Geetha Haripriya on 25th and 26th November 2017.

56.Panelist for a panel discussion in the CME ‘Fertility update 2017’ on a panel discussion on ‘Stimulation protocols in IUI and IVF’, at MAMC New Delhi on 12th November 2017.

57.Moderator for panel discussion on, ‘Recurrent Implantation failure’ in annual conference of ACE 15th to 17th September at HICC Hyderabad on 17th September 2017.

58.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Optimizing ovarian stimulation for Normo, Hypo and Hyper Responder ’ in a CME on Infertility Update organized by IFS Haryana Chapter in association with Gurgaon Obstetrics & Gynae Society at Galaxy Hotel, Gurgaon on 22nd August 2017.

59.Panelist for panel discussion on ‘Infertility Related Issues’ at the Resolve Infertility 2017- Hands on workshop on Infertility & International Conference on Infertility related issues in association with BSOG & IMA held in Smrithi&Stuthi Auditorium at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Hebbal, Bengaluru on 9th July 2017.

60.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Fertility preservation for Challenging Common Case Scenarios in Breast cancer’ at the International conference on breast cancer “Update on oncology –X held at hotel Shangri La in New Delhi organized by Dr.Shyam Agarwal on 20th and 21st may 2017.

61.Panelist for panel discussion on “Poor IVF outcomes: How do clinicians & Embryologists Help” in 22nd Annual Congress of the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction at Hyatt Regency, Gurugram on 22nd April 2017.

62.Panelist for panel discussion on “Luteal Phase Defect” in AICOG 2017 in Ahmedabad held on 27th January 2017.

63.Moderator for panel discussion on “Ovulation Induction: What’s happening?” in Horizon 2 Conference on Advances in Infertility, Art, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss on at Abhinav Theatre Jammu 2nd till 5th December 2016.

64.Panelist for panel discussion on “Metabolic Syndrome” in Annual Cuticon organized by Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists Delhi State branch on Sunday, at Hotel Le Meridian, Delhi 20th November 2016.

65.Moderator for panel discussion on “Recurrent Pregnancy Loss” and Panelist for panel discussion on “Testing and Interpreting measures of ovarian reserve” in LIFE Conference 2016 at, Hotel Le Meridien, Bangalore on 4th, 5th& 6th November 2016.

66.Moderator for panel discussion on “Ovulation Induction- IVF/PCOS” in ARTIS 2016, Andrology Workshop; Live Demonstration of Procedures at Jalandhar on 2nd October 2016.

67.Panelist for panel discussion on “Practical aspects in Stimulation Protocol” in Fertility Experts Meet: Current approaches in improving ART outcome on 7th August 2016 at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore.

68.Panelist for panel discussion on “Tricky situations in Ovulation Induction” in the annual day celebration of Gujarat chapter of ISAR in Ahmedabad on 19th June 2016.

69.Panelist for panel discussion on ‘ACNE’ on the occasion of Mid –Year Cuticon 2016 held at hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi on 15th May 2016.

70.Panelist in on ‘Practical tips on IUI’, at the IUI workshop of the 21stNational Conference of ISAR, held at Indore Brilliant convention centre on 26th of February 2016.

71.Moderator for panel discussion on “All about IUI” in Live Infertility Workshop- Basics to Recent under the aegis of National Conference of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Basics to recent & UPCOG 2015) at GSVM Medical College Kanpur on 27th November 2015.

72.Panelist for panel discussion on “Medical management of Male Infertility” at Pre-congress Course Understanding Sperms & Semen- Basic & Advanced Andrology FERTIVISION 2015, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on 4th December 2015.

73.Panelist for panel discussion on “Simplifying investigations of an Infertile couple” in pre congress workshop “Yuva FOGSI 2015” at Jodhpur on 31st July & 1st August 2015.

74.Panelist for panel discussion on “Recurrent Implantation Failure – How to Overcome” in a CME on Fertility Crossing Hurdles organized by Pratiksha Hospital under aegis of AOGS, IFS & GOGS on 26th July 2015 at Club Patio, South City I Gurgaon.

75.Moderator for panel discussion on “Multiple Pregnancy” in DNB Forum on 17th July 2015 at Auditorium, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

76.Panelist in panel discussion on “Individualized stimulation protocols – Case presentation” at the scientific program for 12th ART update on 6th – 7th June at Kandaghat Solan 2015.

77.Panelist in panel discussion on “Estrogens from Womb to Tomb” in an ‘Infertility Update’ on 5th April 2015 in association with Rainbow IVF, Delhi.

78.Panelist in panel discussion on ‘Endometriosis and infertility’ in an ‘Infertility update 2015’ organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Fertility society on 22nd March 2015 (UP Chapter) Bareilly.

79.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘PCOS in Adolescence’ in a CME organized by PCOS India summit 2015.Organized by Indian Fertility Society ‘Sonia Malik’, supported BAYER ZYDUS PHARMA on 8th of March 2015.

80.Panelist for panel discussion on “Troubleshooting in IVF” on 8th February 2015 organized by IVF Facility, Department of Obstetrics &Gynecology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

81.Moderator for panel discussion on “TB and Subfertility” on 14th December 2014 at ISAR UP Chapter Conference.

82.Panelist for panel discussion on “Third Party Reproduction” at 12th World Congress & 20th Indian Conference of National Association of Reproductive Child Health (NARCHI FEST 2014) at Lucknow on 9th November 2014.

83.Panelist for panel discussion on “Imaging in Infertility: Meeting the need of the Treating Physician” in a scientific programme organized by USCON XXIII on 2nd November 2014 at JW Marriott, Aerocity, New Delhi.

84.Moderator for panel discussion on “Management of Adolescent PCOS and Associated Fertility Concerns” in a scientific programme organized by converse (Cipla)on 20th September 2014 at Hotel Lalit, Delhi.

85.Panelist in “Adjuncts in IUI” at IUI workshop under aegis of Indian Fertility society in Bareilly on 31st August 2014.

86.Panelist for panel discussion on “Increasing Success with IUI” at 3rd KISAR Annual congress held from 2nd to 4th May 2014 at Bangalore.

87.Panelist for panel discussion on “Modern Mangement of Infertility” in AIM conference at Lalit Intercontinental on 22nd December 2013 at New Delhi.

88.Moderator for panel discussion on “Recurrent Implantation failure” in Fertivision 2013 on 8th December 2013 at Delhi.

89.Panelist for panel discussion on “Nuances of Ovulation Induction” at Live Workshop on Gynaec Endoscopy (Advances 2013 Scientific Programme) held at Thycaud, Trivandrum on 31st August 2013.

90.Moderator for discussion on “Adenomyosis in a young Infertile Woman – Management Options” at Live workshop on Gynaec Endoscopy (Advances 2013 Scientific Programme) held at Thycaud, Trivandrum on 31st August 2013.

91.Panelist for panel discussion on “Sub-Fertility- Challenging Case Scenarios” in 13th Infertility Conference on 7th August 2013 – 11th August, 2013 at Chennai.

92.Panelist for case discussion on “Infertility and Pathology” held in Delhi on 28th April 2013 at Hotel Hilton, Janakpuri.

93.Panelist for panel discussion on “Reproductive Panel – Know the Secrets” at Gurgaon, in CME organized by Dr.Ritu Jain on 21st April 2013.

94.Moderator for video demo in ART workshop in 9th Conference of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics &Gynaecology in Agra on 28th February to 3rd March, 2013.

95.Panelist for panel discussion on “Fertility enhancing surgery” organized by Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopist in association with ISGE & AOGD on 24th February, 2013 at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

96.Moderator for panel discussion on “Demistifying the role of LH” in FERTIVISION 2012, 8th annual conference of Indian Fertility Society on 9th December 2012 at Hotel Indana Palace, Jodhpur.

97.Panelist for panel discussion on “ART Tourism” in the World Congress BCGIP, India & 2nd Annual Congress of Society of Fetal Medicine in New Delhi on 16th November 2012.

98.Moderator for panel discussion on “Approach to Infertility Treatment” in the World Congress BCGIP, India & 2nd Annual Congress of Society of Fetal Medicine in New Delhi on 16 November, 2012.

99.Panelist for panel discussion on “PCOS- key issues and remaining questions” in the 4th Infertility updates 2012 organized under the Aegis of IFS at Janakpuri, New Delhi.

100.Moderator for panel discussion on “Dilemmas and decision making in infertility” in Karnal at the annual scientific program at Haryana chapter of ISAR 2012.

101.Moderator for panel discussion on “Dilemma in Diagnosis and Management” at Gurgaon, in CME organized by Dr.Ritu Jain on PCOS on 30th September 2012

102.Moderator for panel discussion on “Problem oriented approach to ovulation induction” at the 11th World Congress & 19th Indian Conference on “Reproductive & Child Health” New Delhi on 14th to 16th September 2012.

103.Moderator for panel discussion on “New concepts in Ovarian Stimulation” in 1st International Conference organized by Association of Clinical Embryologist in New Delhi on 11th and 12th August 2012.

104.Moderator for panel discussion on “Surgical management of Infertility in male and female partners- How relevant it is in the 21 century” in 10th International Conference organized by Madras Medical Mission in Chennai on 3rd August 2012.

105.Moderator for panel discussion on “Negative cases critical evaluation, how it helps patient care” 10th International Conference organized by Madras Medical Mission at Chennai on 3rd August 2012.

106.Panelist in ‘Recurrent implantation failure/ troubleshooting in IVF’ in the 8th ART Update on 2nd and 3rd June 2012 at Kasauli.

107.Moderator for panel discussion on “Endometriosis in Infertility still an engima” at ISAR in Faridabad on 6th May 2012 in Hotel Delite.

108.Panelist in “Stump the experts panel” at pre-congress IUI workshop in Janakpuri, New Delhi on 16th December, 2011.

109.Panelist on “Multifetal Pregnancy” in Preventing Pregnancy Wastage International Conference on 29th& 30th Oct 2011 at Hotel Hilton, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

110.Panelist at panel on “Indian law & PNDT act”, at 7th Indian Ian Donald Obs-Gyn Ultrasound course on Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound & PCPNDT Act on 18th September 2011 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

111.Panelist at panel on “Ovulation Induction” in 3rd infertility update 2011 held at IMA Janakpuri on 18th September 2011.

112.Moderator for panel discussion on “Third party Reproduction” at CME held at Dr. B.L. Kapur memorial hospital on 23rd July 2011.

113.Panelist at panel on “Trouble Shooting in IVF” at ISAR 2011 held at Agra on 6th March 2011.

114.Moderator for panel discussion on “Estrogens in Infertility Management towards healthy endometrium” at ISAR 2011 held at Agra on 6th March 2011.

115.Panelist at panel on “Endometrium and Infertility” organized by National Association of Reproductive and child health of India (NARCHI) held on 5th March 2011 at SJ Auditorium, LHMC, Delhi.

116.Panelist at panel on “Endometriosis” in the Pre-conference workshop and National conference on Assisted Reproduction at MAMC and LokNayak Hospital, Delhi, organized by AOGD on 13th February 2011.

117.Moderator for “Stump the experts following clinical presentation” in the Pre-conference workshop and National conference on Assisted Reproduction at MAMC and LokNayak Hospital, Delhi, organized by AOGD on 13th February 2011.

118.Panelist at panel discussion “Trouble Shooting in ART-Sharing the personal Experiences” on 3rd Anniversary of IVF Centre, AIIMS at International Symposium & workshop of IVF & PGD held on 6th February 2011.

119.Panelist at panel on “ART and Surrogacy” at 3rd National Medico legal conference, Gurgaon, held on 19th December 2010 at Leela Kempinski,

120.Moderator for panel discussion on “ART: Troubleshooting areas” at 4th world congress on Mild approaches in assisted reproduction science city, Kolkata, held on 15th January 2010.

121.Panelist at panel on ‘Assisted Reproductive Techniques’ held at AIIMS at modular CME on 3rd January 2010.

122.Panelist at CME on ‘Ethics and ART’ on panel ‘Orphaned at conception-where are we going with egg donation’ organized by Mother and Child Hospital at India Habitat Hospital on 28th August 2010.

123.Panelist at CME on ‘Infertility Update-new frontiers’ organized by MoolchandMedicity at S.L. Talwar Auditorium on 21st august 2010.

124.Panelist at ‘Single blastocyst transfer how relevant in Indian scenario’ at the 10th International Conference on Updating infertility, Obstetrics and Gynecology held at Madras Medical Mission, Chennai on 6th to 8th of August 2010.

125.Moderator for panel discussion “Interesting Case discussion on infertility management”, at 8th world Congress and 16th Indian Conference on “Reproductive and Child Health”, NARCHI at Lucknow from 27th to 29th of Oct. 2006 organized by Dr. C.S. Dawn ICMCH Regional centre, and NARCHI.

126.Panelist for panel discussion “Infertility problems case discussion” at the pre-congress workshop at 18th state congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology hosted by Kanpur obstetrics and gynaecology Society on the 24th of Nov 2006

127.Panelist in “Comprehensive Infertility Management” at CME on Reproductive Medicine and ART held at Max Hospital, Saket on 16th January 2009.

128.Panelist in the session of ‘Role of ultrasound in improving fertility outcome’ at the Delhi ultrasound update 7th course on 7th December 2008.

129.Moderator for panel discussion on ‘Infertility’ at National Conference and IVF workshop on ovulation induction ART / IUI vaginal and minimal access surgery held at Jalandhar on 10th and 11th March 2008.

130.Panelist in International Fertility Congress at Pune, “Global Perspective of PCOS” held between 4-6th April 2008

131.Panellist in “Changing trend in Infertility Management” Jaipur Golden hospital at IFS CME held on 15th March 2008.

132.Moderator for panel discussion on “Stump the expert on case discussion in infertility”, annual congress held at India Habitat Centre New Delhi., Indian Fertility Society, on 8th& 9th Dec 2007.

133.Panelist for panel discussion on “Mushrooming of ART Centre in India”, on 4th Nov at AOGD 29thh Annual conference held at AIIMS, between 1 – 4th Nov 2006.

134.Panelist in “Ovarian Stimulation-Modern trends and New Drugs” at the 5th Indian Congress on Gynaecologic Endoscopy, Infertility and ART from Nov. 25-28, 2004 at Khajuraho India.

135.Moderator for panel discussion on “When to cancel an IVF cycle” held on 30th Oct 2004 at workshop & CME on Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Infertility organized by R&R Army Hospital New Delhi.

136.Panelist in “PCO management and Imaging” at workshop & CME on Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Infertility organized by R&R Army Hospital New Delhi.2004.

137.Moderator for panel discussion on “Infertility management” at the 50th annual conference of International College of Surgeons Indian Section held from 28-31st Oct.2004 at India Habitat New Delhi.
138.Panelist in “Diagnostic procedures in infertility treatment” at International Congress on Infertility held at Renaissance Hotel Mumbai on 15th Nov 2003.

139.Panelist in “Enhancing success rates in ART” organized by Shivani Scientific Industries at Hotel Hyatt Regency on 29th NOV. 2002.

140.Panelist on “Ovulation Induction” at the Pre congress workshop at (AICOG 2003) at the 46th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology held at Bangalore Jan 6th to 9th 2003.
141.Panelist in “Dilemmas in infertility and IVF” at the medical forum of “A decade of Successful IVF at SIR Ganga Ram Hospital” New Delhi on 12TH September 2001.

142.Panelist in “Luteal phase defects and progesterone” on 17th December 2000 at Hotel Meridian New Delhi sponsored by Sun Pharma.

143.Panelist on symposium “Role of Progesterone in Infertility & Early Pregnancy Losses” by Inca specialties on 22d of Dec. 2000 at Metropolitan hotel Nikko, New Delhi.

144.Panelist in “Aging in Reproduction” at World Congress on “Practical Infertility Management” in Bombay from 10th to 12th Sept. 1999.

145.Panel discussion on “Luteal Phase Defect” on the IAHR 7th Annual Congress held at New Delhi on 2nd & 3rd October 1999.

146.Panelist at a discussion on “New Horizons in Treatment of Infertility” on 30th Jan 1999. Invited by Association of Obstetrics &Gynecology of Faridabad.

147.Panelist in a symposium “New Horizons in management of infertility” at Gynae. Update 97 west organized by IMA West Town, New Delhi on 28th September 1997.

148.Panelist in “Modern Concepts in Follicular Stimulation” on the 22nd of October 1997 organized by Serono and Serum International Ltd. at New Delhi.

149.Panelist in a symposium on “New Horizons in Induction of Ovulation” conducted by Indian Medical Association, East Delhi Branch on 27th April 1997.

150.Debate on “Assisted Reproduction vs. Adoption in Developing Countries” at the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi 22nd-23rd October 1994, New Delhi.





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