
Additional Professional Activities

National Pro-Fertility Meets & Conference

  • MASTER CLASSES started from 22nd of February 2024 a web series of teaching classes from 7 pm to 8 pm once a week. Held on 22nd, 1st March and 7th March.
    • Ovulation induction in PCOS and resistant PCOS
    • Surgery versus IVF in endometrioma with infertility
    • COS in IVF with endometriosis
  • Video Message celebrating international women’s heath day on the topic ‘Women’s Right to Sexual and reproductive health in 21st century’, by the economic times to be broadcasted from 23rd may to 28th May 2021.
  • Video interview on Trimacare to Surabhi and Sameer at their Noida office on the 10th of March at 2 pm.
  • Video 3rd web series on the ‘Global ART Platform’ on the topic ‘5 secrets on managing endometriosis related infertility’ organized by Sunil and Anshu Jindal.
  • Invited as contributor for a book titled ‘iCOS’, in its book launch ceremony organized and financed by Merck Serono and published by Elsevier on 27th of February at 21st ISAR national conference at Indore.
  • Attended “Curtain Raiser” program for IFFS 2016 World Congress launch meeting on 2nd March 2015 at Hotel City Centre, New Delhi as Vise Chairperson.
  • Chairperson for inaugural committee of 22nd IFFS World Congress held at India Expo Mart, Greater Noida on 22nd September 2016.
  • Invited as speaker for a session titled ‘Infertility’ at the first edition of ‘DilliAajTak HEALTH SUMMIT’ on 15th September 2017 at Hotel Taj Mansingh.

International Pro-Fertility Meets & Conferences

  • Invited as a Panellists’ for panel discussion on ‘Endometrial Receptivity Can It Be Manipulated’ in 2019 World Congress, International Federation of Fertility Sciences held in Shanghai, China on 13th April 2019.
  • Invited to the ‘Global Fertility Standalone Scientific Symposium’ at Madrid in Spain organized by MSD on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2017.
  • Attended ESHRE 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland from 2nd to 5th July 2017.
  • Attended ESHRE 2016 in Helsinki, Finland from 3rd to 6th July 2016.
  • Attended ESHRE 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal from 14th to 17th June 2015.
  • Attended Asia Pacific Fertility Treatment Advisory Board meeting on Optimizing Outcomes of Poor Responders in Asia on 30th May, 2014 at Vietnam organized by Merck Serono.
  • Attended the 5th congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE) held in conjunction with FSA Annual Conference from 4th – 6th April 2014 at Brisbane, Australia.
  • Attended ESHRE 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
  • Attended ESHRE 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden on July 4, 2011
  • Attended pro-fertility meet at Geneva sponsored by Merck Serono
  • Attended SHAPE IN CLINIC meeting at Jessop wing, Royal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield, as the Indian representative with 17 countries participating in it and sponsored by Organon held on the 22nd and 23rd November 2010
  • Attended annual conference of ASRM in Atlanta Georgia USA from 5th to 9thNovember 2009
  • Attended 25th annual congress of ESHRE in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 28th June to 1st July 2009.
  • Pro-fertility meet by Merck Serono at Geneva on 19th and 20th of March 2009
  • Attended conference 2nd congress of ASPIRE (Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction and 6th Biennial meeting of PRSFS (Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility) at Singapore from 11th to 13th April 2008.
  • Attended the First Indian Fertility Expert Meet (IFEM) at The Royal Orchid Sheraton Bangkok from 20th to 22nd Jan 2006 organized by Organon India.
  • Attended fertility meet at Saint Petersburg in organized by Serum institute of India on the 5th and 6th of May 2006.
  • Pro-fertility meet at Ritz Carlton Beijing China 2008.
  • Attended fertility meet at Cairo Egypt by for introduction of Gonal F pen, organized by Serono International, from 20th to 23rd of September 2006.
  • Attended the 18th World Congress on “Fertility and Sterility” at Montreal Canada, organized by IFFS from 23rd to 28th May 2004.
  • Attended the 19th annual meeting of ESHRE held at Madrid Spain from 29th June to 2nd July 2003.
  • Attended 18th Annual Meeting of ESHRE held at Vienna Austria from 24th to 28th June 2002.
  • Attended the 17th World Congress on “Fertility and Sterility” at Melbourne Australia, organized by IFFS from 25th to 30th Nov 2001.
  • Invited to participate in “Life Symposium on good eggs bad eggs, ugly eggs, quality eggs” held at Kualalampur Malaysia on the I0th March 2001.
  • Attended the scientific symposium on “Maternal Health in the New Millenium” on 14th Feb. 2000 at Singapore.
  • Participated in a symposium on “Infertility Therapy in the Next Millenium” held at Dubai on 3rd Nov. 1999.
  • Participated at Conference at Kathmandu on 30th May 1998 organized by Organon International at launching of Recagon on “Role of Recombinant FSH in Induction of Ovulation”.
  • Participated at a conference at Bangkok on 31st October 1998 on “Future has arrived” organized by Serono International at the launching of Gonal-F.
  • Free camps and philanthropist activity

  • Lecture on ‘Menstrual health and hygiene’, at Saraswati Vidyalay senior secondary school for girls, Daryaganj, organised by Mrs Abha Majumdar, President of the Centre for Water Sanitation and Health for women on 11th November 2022.
  • Lecture on ‘Menstrual hygiene management’, at Government Girls Senior Secondary school, East of Kailash, organised by Mrs Abha Majumdar, President of the Centre for Water Sanitation and Health for women on 4th June 2022.
  • Founder of ‘Daya Agarwal Educational Trust’, since 2012, which provides financial support to meritorious students in all disciplines.
  • Joined a NGO ‘Earth Saviours Foundation’, run by Ravi Kalra in 2011, which provides shelter and looks after all needs of abandoned senior citizen and mentally challenged people. Contributes financially as well as with medical support to the inmates with personal interaction with them regularly.
  • Public forum on infertility held on 5th May 2008 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on FOGSI infertility day.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for participating in Adolescent care through FOGSI J_J School Health Program organized during FOGSI year 2003.
  • Free camp for the suburban area of New Delhi 24th January 2002 at Centenary hospital Bahadurgarh, Haryana.
  • Free camp for the rural hill population of Hirakhan Chilia Naula Ranikhet from 1st to 3rd October 1998.





Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Rajendra Nagar
New Delhi, India-110060.

Email: ivfsgrh@gmail.com

Genesis Clinic

F-431, New Rajendra Nagar,
Landmark: Shankar Road Main Market, New Delhi -110060

For Appointment Only
011-45011438 (9 AM – 4 PM)
+91-9810821594 +91-9958076534 (4 PM – 9 PM)
Email: abhamajumdar@hotmail.com

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